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Requested by: flowingcurtains

You're in the Gemini Coven and notice Kai getting mistreated

The Gemini Coven sure was good at keeping its secrets, as well as staying hidden. I was born into the Gemini Coven, and though I have lived away from it for most of my life, I knew all of it's traditions, the gruesome ones included. 

I was so glad that I was born as an only child, because I never wanted to be responsible for murdering my twin. Though everyone knew that eventually Olivia and Luke Parker would have to do that. 

But they were still 5 years old, so Joshua Parker handled the role. I always thought it would me Josette and Malachai Parker that would fight for the role, but apparently Malachai wasn't fit for it. They were calling him a psychopath, a sociopath, a murderer. 

I never knew what he did though, and every time I asked, people quieted me. 

He was a siphon, and that's why I thought he couldn't participate. I didn't agree with this. It wasn't his fault that he was born different!

I sighed and ran my hands through my thick black hair. I was walking down the street through the tightly woven neighbourhood of witches, obviously hidden from the real world, when I heard yelling in the distance. 

Walking faster, I turned around the corner to the back of a house, the Parker house, to see Joshua yelling at Malachai. 

"You disgusting piece of scum! You will stay there boy, until you've learned your lesson!!" he snarled at him, a belt in one of his hands. 

Malachai cowered below, on his knees, yet his mouth was set in a tight line, trying to prove to his father, and himself, that this didn't affect him. Thought I could see the tears brimming in his eyes from a few metres away, and his shaking hands. 

I hid behind the house as the yelling continued. I flinched when I heard a snap of the whipping belt his Malachai's flesh. 

Then I peeked out again to see him kneeling on the grass, alone, and trying not to cry. Unable to help myself, I stepped into the yard and announced my presence by clearing my throat. 

He jumped up and wiped at his eyes furiously. 

"Can't you tell I want to be alone right now?! And who even are you," he barked angrily, staring at me.

I stepped backwards and looked at my feet in embarrassment. "My name is Anjali. And I didn't mean to offend you, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay," I said gently. 

He scoffed. "Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be?" he protested, though not very convincingly. 

"Does your father do that often?" I asked him, stepping closer until I was right next to him. 

He sighed and sat down in the grass. "How else would he teach his monstrous son a lesson?" he said bitterly. 

I sat down next to him and stayed silent. It was obvious that he needed someone to talk to. 

"You know, when I was younger, I wasn't allowed to touch anyone. Do you know what it's like, to spend years not knowing what human contact feels like? Of course you don't. You look like you have the perfect life," he mumbled, his hands on his knees as he tried to maintain some distance from me. 

I took his hand, surprising the both of us, and said fiercely, "First of all, don't assume you know anything about my life Malachai. I have struggles that you can't even imagine. Second of all, no one should be treated like that. You were a child for gods sake! And even now, you father should embrace you for being different."

He looked at me earnestly for a few seconds, unable to help the smile from spreading across his face. 

"Kai," he said. 


"Call me Kai," he repeated. "Who calls a kid Malachai? It's like they expected me to be evil."

He chuckled ruefully, and I was awfully aware as his fingers tightening around mine.

"Kai," I said softly, tasting the name on my tongue. 

I pulled my hand away, but he caught it and gripped it again. 

"Don't. I like the feeling," he mumbled. "Why did I just tell you my whole life story Anjali?"

"I guess I'm just an easy person to talk. One that YOU can talk to anytime," I reassured him, blushing at the contact of our skin. 


∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: AWWWWW, wasn't that cute guys???

Anyways, you know the drill ;)

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