Dating Jeremy Gilbert would include...

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- you helping him with his classes and basically being his tutor

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- you helping him with his classes and basically being his tutor

- him practically being your bodyguard at school and making sure that everything goes perfectly for you

- you guys working out together and making sure both of you are being healthy food wise and exercise wise

- both of you then abandoning the fitness month and eating your body weight in junk food and laying on the couch

- feeling super guilty about your flop and then starting the fitness month again. This vicious cycle is endless

- Him being super sweet and cuddly with you in the mornings

- leaving you little love messages in your locker at school, to start off your week with happiness

- you threatening him that if he ever has a ghost girlfriend, you'll murder him and him squeaking in agreement

- he not admitting it, but you are very intimidating to him sometimes, even though you're half his height

- the other times him finding you absolutely adorable and always teasing and joking around with you

- You making him eat a gigantic breakfast every morning because breakfast is basically your religion

- trying to keep him out of the supernatural business, but it becomes hard after he becomes a super buff hunter

- you are each others first times, and the sex is very soft and full of love. It is safe and comfortable yet makes you feel things you have never before

- you watching him work out and admiring those muscles that only you get to touch ;)

- both of you annoying the crap out of Elena and stressing her out with your rebellious acts

- being super tight with Bonnie and Caroline and having many girl slumber parties where no boys are allowed

- him loving to carry you around like a backpack, especially piggy back rides

- going to his school in Denver to visit him when he moved, not letting a long-distant-relationship affect you

- you guys always saying I love you to each other, and are extra sappy right before bed

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