Imagine #4: Jeremy Gilbert

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Having a secret relationship with Jeremy, and Elena finding out

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Having a secret relationship with Jeremy, and Elena finding out.

"We are going to have SO MUCH FUNNNN!" Elena shrieked as we walked up to her porch. "I've already made a whole plan of everything we are going to do in this sleepover."

Bonnie, Caroline, and I laughed together as excitement bubbled inside of me. We hadn't had a sleepover in months due to all the craziness with the supernatural. But with the happiness came the churning anxiety as well. 

Jeremy and I had been seeing each other for months, and I knew if Elena ever found out, she would kill me. She hated that Jeremy was so involved in the supernatural life, and would be even matter if he had a supernatural in bed with him, since I was a siphon. 

Exiled from the Gemini Coven, I had finally found friends who were like family to me, and I didn't want to jeopardise that. But neither could I stay away from Jeremy. 

Alaric opened the door to us and grimaced at the amount of females. 

"Alright, that's my cue to leave. Have fun girls! And don't mind Jeremy, he'll be in his room or the  basement the entire time," he reminded us and headed out. 

My stomach flipped. Jeremy would be in the house with us, the entire time? Oh great, there were so many ways this could go wrong. 

∆ ∆ ∆

"Girl, I think Klaus has a thing for you!" Bonnie giggled, side-eyeing me for support. 

"Yeah Care! I mean, from what you've told us so far, and how he healed you–"

"After ordering her to be bit," Elena reminded me. 

"Yeah, but he apologised! And he invited her to the Mikaelson ball next week, with a freaking princess dress!" I added, not seeing the enraged look bubbling on Elena's face. 

We all giggled again while Caroline blushed, before Elena erupted. 

"Um, HELLO?! He freaking killed Jenna! And tons of other people, and is basically EVIL!" she yelled, apparently not being able to take it anymore.

We all looked at her in surprise, and then felt utterly ashamed. 

"I'm so sorry Elena, we were being so insensitive," Bonnie immediately said, always the mediator. 

I was about to apologise when Elena got up suddenly, sending me one more annoyed look, and walked out of the kitchen. 

"I'm going out for a run, I just need some air," we heard her call out, before the front door slammed, sending the house in silence, save for the quiet video game noises we heard upstairs. 

"Don't mind her Y/N. She's probably still grieving," Caroline reassured me. 

But I knew it was more than that. She had always had a problem with me. Ever since Caroline found me on the streets, and I moved in with the Forbes, she always was polite, but not anything more. As if I was a problem, a person that entered her life, that she wished she could shove out again. 

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