REQUESTED: Kai (Part 3)

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Here is the last part :)

Requested by: Anonimus6_5

I woke up early that next morning, eager to start my search. 

"Hey, where are you going?" Damon asked as I stuffed some extra weapons in my boot and back pocket.

"Out," was my only response as I pulled on a tight leather jacket. 

"Just be safe okay?" he placed a small kiss on top of my head and opened the door for me. 

I smiled at dashed out.

Now, where would a homicidal maniac go first?

I pondered that thought for a few seconds, before I realised I had no idea. I needed to ask an expert.

"Hey Damon!" I yelled, popping my head back into the house. "As a homicidal maniac, where would you go in your free time?"

No answer. Great. 

I decided to go look for where he lived, non-creepily of course. 

I went into the local computer lab, and started doing a little research. I knew his name was Malachai, though I didn't know his last name. But I doubted there were many people by the name of Malachai. 

After a few minutes, I found out his last name was Parker. He must have rented a place in Mystic falls, because I knew he was staying for a while. 

At last, I got an address of an apartment, and left the building. I wondered the streets until I arrived, and walked through the identical hallways until I reached door 69. 

Wow, of course he chose this number. Perv. 

I knocked lightly on the door, waiting anxiously for it to open. 


Impatiently, I knocked again, harder this time, but no reply. 

Finally, I kicked the door off the hinges. 

Dramatic, I know.

I walked into a messy ransacked room, with the bed unmade, food cartons on the table, and it smelled like boy. 


Kai was nowhere to be seen. He must have been out in the city. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I heard a warbly woman's voice say. 

I spun around to see a frail elderly woman looking at me accusingly. 

"I'm going to call the police!" she informed me, looking me up and down accusingly. 

"Wait! No! I live here!" I yelled, startling her into dropping her phone. 

"Then why is the door like that?" she challenged, putting a wrinkly hand on her hip. 

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