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Requested by: Crazy4Hawk 

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Requested by: Crazy4Hawk 

You have a major crush on Kai which he is aware of. After much flirting, you two connect (wink wink)

I had a HUGE crush on Malachai Parker. 

And I think everyone knows. 

I mean, it's not like I tried to make it obvious. I was trying to be discreet, but the stuttering and staring really did give it away. 

Normally, I'm not a blubbering idiot, I'm actually pretty straightforward and headstrong, but in his presence I have the capacity of goo. 

And the worst part is, I don't think he likes me back. My appearance is pretty average to be honest. I had long strawberry hair that was always in tangles, sparkly green eyes, and I wore glasses. 

I tried to wear contacts once, but it made me cry. 

There were much more beautiful girls in Mystic falls, like Elena, Caroline, or Bonnie. He would never even look twice at me. 

Okay, I know what you're thinking. Everyone hates him, so why would I even think about having a crush on him?

Well, it's simple. Broken people are attracted to other broken people. We have this in incessant need to heal each other, and the best way to do that is through love. 

I knew he had had a horrible childhood, and while killing his family was very extreme, sending him to a prison world was probably the worst thing they could do to him.

He had spent 18 freaking years in the place! How did they expect that to better him?

While everyone thought I was crazy, I personally thought that he deserved a second chance. And his attractiveness was just a plus. 

"HANNAH! Earth to Hannah!" Caroline droned, waving a hand in front of my face. 

"You've been staring at Kai for the past 5 minutes, and it's really starting to freak me out," she explained, and Bonnie nodded behind her. 

"Girl, if you're gonna torture us with this horrible crush, you might as well go over and talk to him," Bonnie suggested, drowning her lemonade in one gulp. 

"Caroline and I are going to the bathroom, and when we're back, we better see you two deep in conversation! And if not, I will personally tell him about those pages in your diary!" she then threatened, making me gasp dramatically. 

"Bonnie Bennet! Don't you dare!" I wagged my finger at her. 

Both of them just laughed, and got up to leave. 

"Good luck!" Caroline whispered to me, and followed Bonnie. 

Okay, it was FINALLY time to do this. 

No chickening out Hannah. Embrace your inner female power, and WOW him! 

In the 20 seconds of walking over to his table, I had gone over millions of options for conversation starters. 

But the only thing that came out of my mouth was, "Hey Kai! I, um really like broccoli!" 

Then I cringed and mentally slapped myself. 

"Uhh, that's not what I meant to say! I mean, I do like broccoli, but you don't need to know that. What I actually wanted to say was that you look great! Well, you always look amazing, oh my god, did I actually just say that? Please jut forget what I told you," I babbled, turning around to leave. 

"Wait Hannah! Come sit down!" Kai called out, and patted the bench next to him. 

"So, are you always this awkward, or is it only in the presence of insanely hot men?" he smirked, nudging my shoulder with his. 

"Shut up!" I said mock-angrily, slamming my shoulder with his back, but way to hard. 

"OW!" he yelped, the impact knocking his whole body over on the bench. 

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I'm so sorry," I apologised. 

"Geez woman! You are freakily strong," he groaned, pulling himself up again. 

"Sorry," I mumbled sheepishly, pushing my glasses up my nose. 

"How well can you see without them?" he asked suddenly.


"Your glasses," he explained. 

"Not very well," I chuckled, and then stopped self-consciously. "Wait, do you think they look weird on me?" 

"NO! Um, no. I think you look cute," he admitted shyly, scooting a little closer to me. 

I could hardly contain the blush from exploding across my cheeks. 

"Awwww, is Hannah Banana blushing?" he cooed, booping my nose. 

I scowled at him and stuck my tongue out. 

"It's hot in here," I protested. 

I was so flustered because of him, I didn't realise my glasses were sliding down the bridge of my nose. 

He moved even closer, and pushed them back up again. That was when I realised how close we were. 

"K-kai," I stuttered, suddenly aware of what I had eaten that day.

Please say my breath was good! 

"Shhh," he hushed, leaning in to brush his lips with mine. 

I closed my eyes as his soft lips pressed urgently against mine, molding perfectly. 

He let out a small sigh and the butterflies in my stomach went wild. My mouth opened mid-kiss, and his tongue slid in quickly, making me gasp. 

He leaned and put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him, if that was even possible. .

All I could feel were fireworks! Oh my god! Was this really happening!! AAAHHHH! 

My lips went on autopilot, and my tongue fought with his with a life of its own. 

"OH MY GOD!!!" I heard someone familiar squeal and we broke apart in surprise. 

"Caroline! Be quiet!" I then heard Bonnie hiss, but it was too late, they had been discovered. 

They were huddled at the table next to ours, watching us intently, and albeit a little creepily. 

"Guys! When did you get back from the bathroom?" I questioned in shock, breathing heavily. 

"Oh, a while ago," Caroline snickered. "But don't let us interrupt you. Please, keep going."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Kai's hand. 

"Wanna get out of here?" I asked him tentatively, and smiled at his grin. 

"Definitely!" he agreed, following me out of the Grill. 

"We won't tell the others!" Bonnie yelled after us. "Don't worry!"

I thanked her silently and ran out into the air with Kai. 

∆ ∆ ∆


First of all, THANKS FOR 205 VOTES!!! GAAAAHHHHH! 

Second of all, hope you liked your request Crazy4Hawk!

Hope you guys have a great day! (Or night)

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