Dating Kai Parker would include...

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- you always baking new treats for him which he devours happily

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- you always baking new treats for him which he devours happily. 

- him getting constant sugar rushes and running around the house in his underwear and screaming. Also annoying the crap out of you

- you dragging Kai to therapy sessions which he hates, but you claim he needs

- he ends up almost killing the therapist, and that is the end of your sessions

- Him doing little magic spells to help around the house, and also to amuse you 

- Always in a super happy mood, which 90% of the time is adorable, and 10% of the time super irritating

- you can't stay in fights with each other for long, because you love each other too much

- you're the first and only person he's real with

- he is very rational and lets you make your own decisions, but very quickly gets jealous

- you do everything in your power to prevent him from killing people out of rage

- Kai becoming super nice to all your friends, in an attempt to prove he's the perfect boyfriend for you

- the sex is rough and passionate, where Kai likes to use his magic as a helping tool. He is usually the top, but also enjoys it when you take control.

- he helps you channel your darker side, which makes you more confident and powerful

- always making jokes with you, then crack both of you up so hard that you spend a good 5 minutes laughing until you can't breathe

- he absolutely loves to cuddle with you, and won't let you go in the mornings, even when you protest you need to go to school/work. 

- you helping him get a job and integrate in society, and him complaining about how hard life is

- him always coming home with a smile on his face, and asking you how your day was

- him finally having a healthy relationship with you, where he feels safe enough to tell you anything

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