Imagine #9: Kol

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A/N: Just pretend Finn isn't there lol

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A/N: Just pretend Finn isn't there lol

Going to a dinner, and meeting his family for the first time

"I'm really nervous Kol," I murmured, leaning against the wall of the kitchen. 

I was in my house, on the phone with him. 

"Don't worry darling, they'll adore you!" he promised me, his voice crackling due to the bad connection. 

"Where are you?" I asked in confusion to all the static. 

"Having a little snack," was his only response. 

I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore that he was probably killing people in the woods. 

"What should I wear? Is it formal, casual, royal?" I questioned in exasperation.  

He chuckled. "Relax Y/N! Just wear a nice dress. Or just a shirt and jeans. Come in a garbage bag if you please! My family will be fine either way."

I laughed. 

"Okay, bye. I'll see you in an hour," I said goodbye and hung up the phone. 

∆ ∆ ∆

40 minutes later, I had gotten showered, dressed, made my hair, and put some makeup on, but not a lot.

I had ended up wearing a tight and formal dress, because I knew with experience, that Kol's family was not casual, at all. 

He had told me all about the fancy balls they had hosted, the exclusive parties they had gone too, the royals and legacies they had befriended. No way was I gonna show up in jeans and a shirt. 

I had left my hair open, now grateful for the natural curls that bounced with each step. 

Then I got into my car, and drove over to the Mikaelson's house to meet Kol at the driveway. 

"Hey!" he greeted in excitement as he saw me get out of my car. "You ready?"

"Absolutely not," I replied with the same amount of vigour, earning a laugh out of him. 

"Just be yourself. How could they not love you?" he cooed, putting a hand on my lower back and nudging me up the stairs. 

He rang the doorbell, and I waited anxiously for the door to open, to get to see these apparently amazing and scary people. 

"Took you bloody long enough!" I heard a voice say in amusement, and saw a girl with blond wavy hair open the door. "Come in!"

She had a crisp British accent, and the glamours outfit she was wearing did everything to accentuate her perfect body figure. 

" So, we finally get to meet the infamous Y/N.." she remarked deviously, eying me up and down. "Not bad brother, looks like quite the treat, literally."

I blanched but Kol only glared at his sister. "Rebekah, shut up. Y/N, she's only teasing," he reassured me, and I let out a little sigh. 

"He's right you know. If my sister touched one head on my brothers girl, I would put her back into a box," I heard a charming man's voice say. 

"Klaus. Y/N I presume?" he introduced, kissing the back of my hand. 

"Yes she is," Kol said rather tightly, pulling my hand away. 

"Easy Kol!" Klaus laughed, sending me a wink. 

"Do not mind these imbeciles. I am Elijah. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Y/N," another figure said politely. 

A man with neat brown hair, and dressed in an immaculate suit stepped forward. 

"Um, it's a pleasure to meet you too Elijah!" I responded enthusiastically, glad to have met someone normal-ish. 

"Darling, you don't have to speak that way. We all find it rather odd but funny when he does," Kol laughed a little, pulling a chair out for me to sit on. 

"Wow. Did you guys make this?" I asked in astonishment to the lavish layout of food on the table. 

"God no!" Rebekah spoke. "We had some chefs make it for us. Kol wanted it to be absolutely perfect for his precious Y/N," she smirked. 

Kol blushed and cleared his throat. 

I smiled and squeezed his hand under the table. 

"So, Y/N, how did you and my lady's man of a brother meet?" Klaus asked curiously, taking a sip of his wine. 

"Well, it's a funny story actually," I started, launching into the weird circumstance in which we had met. 

They all listened politely, laughing at the correct parts, and even seemed to be enjoying my company. 

By the end of the dinner, Rebekah had given me her phone number, Klaus had given me a nickname, and Elijah had brought out a special desert he had made. 

I was glowing with happiness. I couldn't believe I had been so scared. They were wonderful. 

Of course, I didn't doubt how deadly they could be when getting on the bad side of them, but I think I was definitely on the good. 

"We'll have to go shopping sometime," Rebekah told me earnestly, as she handed me my coat. 

We were getting ready to leave, and I was so full I was afraid I would explode. I was also a little tipsy, because my human body couldn't tolerate as many drinks as a vampire could. 

I was glad Kol was driving. 

I said goodbye to everyone, and let Kol lead me out of the house. 

"I had a lot of fun tonight," I whispered, wrapping my hands around his neck, and leaning my back against the car. 

"Me too," he hummed, pulling me closer. 

He kissed my sweetly, his soft lips melting against mine. 

"Lets have another dinner with them sometime soon," I suggested when we had gotten into the car. 

"Absolutely," he agreed. 

∆ ∆ ∆


THANKS FOR 2.1K reads!!! AAAHH. 

AND 180 votes?????!!!! 

I really want to get them up to 200 people, but maybe that's too much to ask for lol. 

Also, please send me some requests!!


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