Preference #7: He apologises

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Damon Salvatore: (He choked you drunkenly)

I had been unable to sleep all night, tossing and turning over and over again. As comfortable as the beds were in the Salvatore house, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking of how enraged Damon had been. Groggily, I turned over and checked the clock. Great, it was 3:00 in the morning. 

I got up and decided to go downstairs to get a glass of water. I quietly walked down the stairs and stepped into the kitchen. I shivered as I felt a draft of air come from an open window.


I walked over to it, and shut it. As soon as I turned around, I came nose-to-nose with Damon. 

Gasping in fright, I jumped backwards, my tailbone hitting the counter painfully. 

"Hey, it's just me," he whispered, but then realised that because it was him I had reacted that way. 

His face drooped in anguish and regret as he stepped back to give me space. 

"Y/N, I" he began, looking extremely nervous. "I'm so sorry for what I did last night. I don't even know what went through my head. I was super drunk, which I will NEVER do again, and I reacted badly. I really hope you can forgive and me and hope that you still want to be with and love me because I really love and you and I don't know what I would do if you left me because–"

I interrupted him by hugging him. He was stiff at first, but then put his arm hands around me as well, pulling me closer into his chest.

"I forgive you Damon. I know you're in a bad place right now, and I just wanted to help you. But perhaps I overstepped," I admitted. 

He shook his head violently. "No, it was all my fault," he muttered, pulling away and looking deep into my eyes. 

"Are we good?" he asked ruefully. 

"We're good," I said smiling. 

Stefan Salvatore: (He fed on you)

I spent hours just sitting in my small apartment, staring at the white wall in front of me after the incident. I had been a few days now, and I was glad that I lived separately from Stefan, because I don't think I could bear being in close proximity with him. 

As if the world decided to disagree with me, the doorbell rang, and I already had a hunch about who it was. Sighing, I walked quietly over to my door, and peaked through the peephole to view my visitor. 


I wasn't surprised, yet I still felt a spike of fear go through me.

"Y/N, please open the door. I can hear you breathing so I know you're in their. Please... I just want to talk," he pleaded, the desperation clear in his voice. 

I wrung my hands anxiously. Eventually, I clicked the lock open, and slowly and creakily pulled open the door. Behind stood a tired and ruffled Stefan. 

He had rings beneath his eyes, he hadn't combed his hair, and obviously wasn't dressed to please. 

I stepped to the side to let him in. He noticed how far I was standing away from him, and his shoulders seemed to slouch even more. He then sat down on the couch and gazed at the floor ashamedly. 

Noticing that it was going to be quiet for a long time, I decided to speak up. "I'm sorry I forced that blood thing on you," I mumbled. 

His head shot up immediately. "You're apologising? No, no, no, this was all my fault. God, I ALMOST KILLED YOU Y/N!" He yelled, and then immediately lowered his voice when he saw my expression. 

"I'm so sorry! I feel this overwhelming guilt all the time, and I wanted to come apologise straight away, but Damon said that I needed more control first. Y/N, you know I didn't want to hurt you, right?" he asked me with a pained face. 

I nodded silently. 

"Look Stefan, I know you're sorry, and I forgive you. But I just need more time. You understand that, right?" I explained apologetically. 

He nodded silently, and got up. There was an awkward silence as he walked out of my apartment.

Klaus Mikaelson: (Yelled at you)

I had spent the first few hours holed up in my college dorm. Eventually over the next few days I spent as normal, assuming that Klaus had indeed gone to Mystic Falls to check if his father really was dead. 

And I the Mikaelson Mansion in New Orleans had been empty for a few days now, meaning Rebekah was still there with him. What was taking so long?

A few days later, I was sitting on a bench in New Orleans, staring wistfully at a painting that a man was drawing. 

Suddenly, a throat cleared behind me and I whipped around to see a hopeful and subdued looking Klaus standing next to the bench. 

"Can we talk love?" he asked softly, his eyes pleading.

I nodded silently and followed him to one of the more emptier streets. 

I stopped as he stopped, and crossed my arms indignantly, waiting. "Well?"

He sighed. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I have a very bad relationship with my father, and I'm under a lot of duress right now and should have handled it better."

I smiled at how much he was struggling to apologise. I ran to him and hugged him, evidently surprising him. When I pulled away, I was still in his embrace, and looked up at him. 

"I'm sorry I've been so needy. I've just had some problems with school and my family," I apologised as well. 

"That's okay. I said that out of anger anyway. Do you want to come home now?" he asked happily, linking his arm with mine and already starting to walk. 

"Of course," I said giddily, as we walked back out into the sunny street. 

∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: Hello!!! So, this is only half of the apologies, the other ones will be in the next update. 

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