Imagine #2: Stefan

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Your first time (no smut included)

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Your first time (no smut included)

"Oh my gosh. That did not happen, right?" my stomach hurt from laughing so much.

"It's true!" Stefan proclaims. "I thought I was flirting with a woman, but then he turned around, and I realized that the beautiful luscious hair I was talking to, indeed belonged to a man, and quite old if I say so myself!"

I laughed again, leaning back into the plush couch in the Salvatore living room. We had been watching a movie, but then I had decided it was too scary, so we just started talking.

We both stop laughing and look at each other for a second. Then he leaned in and softly pressed his lips to mine. We had kissed many times before, but this had a sense of urgency in it, a hunger that we just had to satisfy.

He groaned lightly as I climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. We look into each other's eyes again, his now darker with lust. Before I could kiss him again, he flipped us around, so that he was now hovering over me.

He leaned down and started sucking on the sweet spot behind my ear as I gasped, running my hands through his soft hair. He hadn't gelled it today, so it was like silk beneath my fingers.

While he kissed my neck feverishly, I reached my hands down to start taking off his shirt. He stopped suddenly, looking at me. Startled, I took my hands away.

"Do you want to stop?" I asked him.

He grinned. "Only if you're not ready," he said sincerely, tucking a bit of my flyaway hair behind my ear gently.

I breathed in deeply and said, "Yeah, I'm ready."

He got up suddenly and I looked up at him in confusion, still laying on the couch, flustered. Before I could ask him anything however, he quickly put an arm under my legs and around my shoulders, lifting me up and swooshing upstairs.

Whooping in delight, I held on tightly until we reached his bedroom. He cupped his hand around the back of my head as we zoomed on the bed, so my brains wouldn't spill from the impact.

Breathing heavily, Stefan still above me, I started unbuttoning my pants, flinging them off of me.

"Wait, let me," he asked, his nimble fingers working on my shirt, and then unhooking my bra. Feeling suddenly embarrassed, I took the covers and covered my upper body. I had always had smaller breasts than most, and I was extremely insecure about them.

"Don't you cover your body with me. You're absolutely beautiful Y/N," he said earnestly, hesitantly removing the blanket.

I blushed and let him pull off my underwear. I was now completely naked and quietly watched him strip off his shirt, jeans, and then underwear.

"Just making sure you want to do this," he asked again, giving me plenty of time to consider.

I smiled. I loved my boyfriend, and if I was going to have sex with anyone, it was going to be with him.

"Yes," I declare.

∆ ∆ ∆

(A/N: Rest is up to you :) )

A/N: I apologise if you guys wanted me to write further, but I just don't feel comfortable writing smut :(

If you feel uncomfortable sharing requests in the comments publicly, don't be shy to privately message me.

Enjoy the rest of your day! Or night!

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