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He saves you from some hybrids working for Klaus

Mystic falls was as dangerous as it had ever been. Ever since Klaus had returned from New Orleans, he had been intent on creating more hybrids. Therefore, he wanted to drain Elena of her blood. 

Naturally, Damon and Stefan wouldn't let anything happen to her, and so their loved ones and friends became targets. 

Since I was a vampire myself, I was pretty sure I could handle some pesky hybrids, but I was really worried about my mom and sister. 

My dad was out of the picture, so it was just my overworked mom taking care of me and my little sister. They didn't know I was a vampire, and I had only been one for a few months, so they hadn't noticed any raging deficiencies. 

I was walking towards my house, to check on them, since I hadn't for a while. I had convinced them to allow me to get an apartment, when in reality, I was just staying with the Salvatore's. 

It was for their own safety, and I didn't think anyone outside my friend circle knew we were related. 

Suddenly, my phone rang, and I pulled it out of my pocket to answer. 

"Hello?" I asked curiously, due to the fact that it said unknown caller. 

"Hello Y/N," a voice growled on the other side. "It's a shame your family is out of the house."

"Who is this?" I asked, my panic growing.

"Meet me at 2100 Fox drive at the warehouse, or I'll gut your sister first. I don't think your mom would enjoy watching that," the low voice demanded.

"Don't you dare hurt them! I'll be there!" I threatened, trying not to scream. 

I hung up, and started dashing to the street. 

The bitter wind cut into my skin and brought tears to my eyes as I ran down the sidewalk. 

Please let them be alright. Please God, if you're out there. 

I skidded to a halt at the old and abandoned warehouse, and warily walked inside. 

"I'm here, you can let them go now!" I called out, my voice echoing multiple times. 

I frowned as I heard no answer. I took my phone out and dialled my mom's number. 

"Hey sweetie! What's wrong?" she asked, hearing my heavy breathing. 

"Mom! Where are you?" I practically yelled. 

"I'm at the grocery store," she said back. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," I whispered, and hung up.

Shoot, this was a trap. 

But before I could leave, I heard someone whoosh behind me and hold my arms back. I struggled, but with no avail. My attacker stuck a syringe into my neck, and injected me with a heavy dose of vervain. 

How were these vampires so strong?

Then the world went fuzzy, and black. 

∆ ∆ ∆

When I regained consciousness, I realised I had been strapped to a chair, rendering my arms and legs useless. 

I also had a stake impaled through my thigh, and I whimpered in pain, unable to pull it out. 

"Alright, so we can do this the easy way, or the hard way," I heard a familiar voice say. 

It was the man on the phone! He stepped out of the shadows, and I cocked my head in turmoil, I didn't recognise him. 

Should I?

"I'm one of Klaus's hybrids, if that's what you're wondering," he stated, as if reading my mind.

That's why he was so strong. 

"Which means I can also give you a pretty nasty bite," he warned, grinning in evil delight. 

"Go to hell," I choked out, but he just laughed. 

"Tell me where they are hiding Elena, and I can let you go," he asked, kneeling down in front of me. 

I stayed silent, and then leaned forward, spitting on his shoes. 

His eyebrows furrowed, and he reached forward to grab the stake. A scream erupted out of me, as he twisted and turned it, the splintering wood rubbing against my bones. 

"Fine, then let's see if one of your chums can tell me," he growled, standing up and taking his phone out. 

He then dialled a number, and I waited for who he would call. If he called Damon or Stefan, I knew I was gonna be goner. 

They would never leave Elena's side, especially not to save me. I was just Bonnie's friend from camp. 

He walked out of the warehouse, mumbling to the caller, and I was too drained to hear what he was saying. 

"Well, it looks like your friends don't care about you," he remarked snarkily, walking back. 

He took a knife out of his pocket, and flung it at me, landing in my stomach.

I gritted my teeth and looked up, trying to will the tears not to fall out of my eyes. 

He kneeled back down in front of me and pulled it out again. 

"You know, you're neck is looking quite alluring," he muttered, baring his poisonous teeth. 

I shook with fear, trying to tip my chair back. 

Then, swiftly, he was pulled off of me and thrown against a wall. I looked around in bewilderment, but I saw nobody except the bedraggled and now very furious hybrid. 

Suddenly, he was picked off of his feet by some kind of magical force and smacked by down on the ground, face forward. 

All at once, a stake started hovering in the air, and then plunged itself in the hybrids back, making the hybrid unconscious. Then he was lifted off, and his head was deftly smacked off, earning a shriek from me. 

"Who are you!" I shouted into the echoey darkness. 

"Forgetting about me already, I'm hurt," I heard an arrogant voice say, and Damon just appeared out of thin air. 

"Oh my god! How did you do that?" I asked in shock. 

"I had a little help from Bon-Bon," he revealed. "Get the car ready!" he called back out. 

"Did you really think we were just gonna leave you here?" he sighed, crouching down to undo the straps on my arms and legs. 

"This is gonna hurt," Damon prepared me, and then ripped the stake out as cleanly as he could. 

I gasped and slumped back in the chair, the vervain in my system weakening me a lot. 

"I keep forgetting you're a newbie vampire," he murmured as he helped my stand. 

I stumbled into his chest, and he put his hands on my shoulders to lean me away from him. 

"Wow, they did a number on you Y/N. Looks like I'm gonna have to carry you out of here like your prince in armour," he said. 

I let out a raspy chuckle and allowed him to slip an arm under my knees and neck. 

Then I rested my aching head on his chest and closed my eyes. 

I was safe. 

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