Preference #6: He hurts you emotionally/physically

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Damon Salvatore: (Y/N is human)

I had just sit down with a glass of wine, some popcorn, and a nice rom-com to watch, laugh, and cry over, when the telephone rang. Sighing in annoyance, I slowly pulled myself up and walked over to my phone. It was Matt. 

"Hey Y/N. I know this isn't a good time, but you might want to come to the Grill, like, now! Damon has had a little more than too much to drink, and I need him out of here before he starts hurting the customers," he explained. 

I could barely hear him over the chatter and raging that I could hear in the background, through the phone. Typical Damon, he had found out his mom was alive, and of course he would drink the whole bar. 

A few minutes later, I had arrived to the Grill. I had walked because honestly, I should probably get more exercise, and secondly, I lived close to it anyway. 

As soon as I walked in the warm Grill, I glimpsed Damon at the bar, having gripped Matt's collar and seemingly threatening him. I ran over quickly and dismantled his hold on Matt. 

"Damon! Control yourself!" I scolded him as he turned around to look at me, and gave me a soppy smile. 

"Hey baby!" he slurred, swinging a muscled arm around my waist, and practically dragging me to the ground. 

I grunted and tried to walk with his weight hanging on me. There was no way I was going to be able to walk hime with him in this state. I would have to water him down first. I sat him down in a chair, and sat opposite of him. 

"I DON'T WANT TO SIT DOWN!" he suddenly yelled and got up. He then dashed out of the Grill. 

Startled and surprised, I ran out after him, waving bye at Matt. I found him a few metres away from the grill, in an alleyway, sitting against the wall with his head in his hands. 

"Damon," I sighed sadly, crouching down in front of him. It was time to be firm. He had been acting like this for days, and frankly, he needed to stop. 

"Look, I know you're upset about your mother, but you CANNOT keep acting like this! How if sitting around and drinking going to help. Do you even want her out?" I pushed harshly. 

Suddenly he got up and whipped me against the wall, his hand around my throat. He was so drunk, that he didn't realise how hard he was crushing my windpipes. 

"Damon!" I choked out, trying to pull his hands off of me. 

"You don't know anything about my relationship with my mother," he snarled, looking me directly in the eyes, his own filled with a crazy light. 

My eyes fluttered as the edges of vision faded into black. He then suddenly seemed to realise what he was doing, and let me go quickly. 

His eyes full of regret and shock, he whizzed away before I could even get a word out. 

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