Dating Damon Salvatore would include...

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- going on special road trips with him to run all kind of errands

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- going on special road trips with him to run all kind of errands

- fighting over what music to choose in those road trips, ending in him choosing because he's the driver

- him always wanting to show his love for you and doing grand gestures like buying you crazy stuff you don't need

- in public his arm is always around your waist or on the small of your back

- he loves flicking your nose, or kissing the very tip of it

- always trying new food together and making pros and cons about it

- you love cuddling with him because he's the best at it

- him always making jokes to try and cheer you up when your sad

- the sex is always very passionate and slow, he likes to take his sweet time with everything, and both of you like to try new things occasionally 

- very protective of you, needs to know if your safe, and will kill anyone who puts you in danger

- after every mission, he spends many minutes checking every part of your body, making sure that you weren't hurt

- shows his true self around you, not the tough facade he puts on for everyone else

- he actually and genuinely smiles with you, and not only the sarcastic smirk

- you love going clubbing with him and both of you dance with each other, no matter how bad you are

- always cooking together, and you accidentally blowing up the kitchen. Don't worry, he compelled a guy to build a new one

- trying new pancake recipes together, and throwing most of them away

- shoving it in everyone's face how happy you two are, and how you guys are always going to be together

- both of you feel amazing, because you know this is true love that will last forever

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