Preference #5: What he does when you're sick

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Damon Salvatore: 

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Damon Salvatore: 

He drops everything to come home and comfort you. He normally stops on the way and gathers all of your favourite food and movies. Then you two have a movie night where you end up cuddling and sleeping together on the couch. 

Stefan Salvatore: 

Stefan is very affectionate when you sick, even with your protests against him getting sick, and him reminding that he can't get sick. He also makes a lot of jokes to try and cheer you up when you're feeling horrible. 

Klaus Mikaelson: 

He abandons his evil and sinister plans to make sure you're okay. He then positions you and starts painting you. After he's done, he gives you the painting and you two make out so that you can be distracted. 

Elijah Mikaelson: 

Elijah does anything he can to make you feel comfortable, whether that is carrying you around everywhere, or doing whatever you order him to, or even doing you college work for you, since he is the all powerful and wise originals vampire.

Jeremy Gilbert: 

Jeremy skips school so that he can spend it with you, caring for you. He holds your hair back as you puke, he makes soup and feeds it to you. Then you two play board games and eat a ton of food together. 

Kai Parker: 

Whenever your sick, Kai links the both of you together, so he can be sick with you, which you find slightly disturbing but cute at the same time. Then the both of you get to whine and complain while he does silly spells to make you laugh. 

Kol Mikaelson: 

Kol goes soft whenever you feel bad, and especially when you're sick. But since he's Kol, he still has his bad mannerisms. When your sick, he compels a random human to follow your orders the entire day, and you both enjoy commanding the poor stranger to your heart's desires. 

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