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Requested by: AnnieK400

You are pregnant and friends with Rebekah, who introduces Kol to help with your situation

My boss had released me early that day, and so I decided to buy some food at the grocery store before I went and surprised my boyfriend at home. I wanted it to be perfect, maybe set up a banquet of food, and then announce the surprising, yet exciting news of being pregnant. 

30 minutes later, I arrived at the doorstep of our small but quaint house. My boyfriend had a big job, so he was the one paying for almost everything, something which he never failed to remind me. 

Unlocking the door and stepping in, I paused as I heard something... moaning? I tiptoed in the house, ready to laugh at catching my boyfriend in the act of jerking himself off. However, before I even made it to his room, I heard another moan, from a female. 

My stomach churned uncomfortably as I thought of all the possible scenarios. Maybe he was watching porn, maybe he was moaning again and I mistook it for a girl. Oh god, I needed to find out. 

I stepped into the room firmly, and stopped at the sight him on top of another girl, quite literally in the act of making love to her. And she was blonde. Of course. His type always had been those barbie girls. 

"Tom?" I asked in utter disbelief. 

He got off of her quickly and looked at me guiltily. "Shoot, when did you get home?" he asked nervously. 

"When did I get home? After I decided to buy some treats and SURPRISE you!" I yelled angrily. 

"Annie, I was going to break up with you anyway. I found the test in the garbage!" he defended, as if that was a good reason for cheating on me!

"GET OUT!" I screamed. 

He looked at me incredulously. "This is my house, you get out!" he barked back. 

My blue eyes filled with tears, and I turned and dashed out, not bothering to look back or close the door. 

A few minutes later I found myself at Rebekah's doorstep and knocked feverishly at the fancy door. 

Elijah opened it and was about to greet me pleasantly, before he saw my state of mind. 

"Annie, are you okay?" he asked, but I ran past him and Kol who was standing behind him, desperate to find Rebekah. 

Ever since I met her 1 year ago, we had been best friends from the very start. She told me her secret of vampirism 4 months later, and it had taken me some time, but I had embraced it. 

"BEX!" I yelled. 

She zoomed down the stairs, saw my expression and zoomed me into her room. 

"Annie what the bloody hell happened?" she asked me in bewilderment. 

I told her everything and she looked as if she was getting angrier and angrier by the second. 

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