Imagine #10: Stefan

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You both find out that you're pregnant (You're human) (JUST PRETEND THAT IT IS POSSIBLE!)

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You both find out that you're pregnant (You're human) (JUST PRETEND THAT IT IS POSSIBLE!)

I had been feeling a little under the weather lately. 

I didn't know what it was. I mean, it was April and I was allergic to pollen. But that didn't explain the nauseous feeling I had when I saw certain foods, in the morning, and just other random times. 

Also, I was very tired, and my breasts were extremely sore and tender, which is why I expected my period to come around any day now, since it was already a week late. 

But I wasn't worried. I had had weeks where I was dead-tired because of school, so I missed some meals, explaining my nauseousness. Also, my period was very irregular. 

I had planned on meeting Stefan in the new small house we had bought together. We had finally reached the point in our relationship, where we wanted to move in with each other. 

It had been 10 months since we started dating, and it had been the best few months of my life. We were so happy! 

Of course, I knew that he was a vampire, and we were planning on either him taking the cure from Elena, or me becoming a vampire, since I never planned on having kids. 

We were madly in love, and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. 

Excitedly, I decided to wear a dress to go see him, but was very confused when it hardly fit. 

It seems so much tighter around my torso, and even my breasts were showing a lot. 

Had they grown?

Had I gained weight?

I looked unhappily in the mirror. I didn't notice anything different. 

I frowned and changed into a hoodie and jeans, and sighed in relief when the fit just as they had before. 

I glanced at the watch, 20 minutes before I was going to meet Stefan, perfect to go walking to the apartment, I mean, obviously I could use the exercise. 

15 minutes later, I had arrived at the cosy building and was happy to see Stefan's car already pulled up on the driveway. 

"Stefan!" I called as opened the door with my new keys. "I'm here!"

I heard shuffling in the living room, and I walked over to see Stefan pouring some water in a vase filled with flowers. 

"Oh. My. Gosh!" I whispered in astonishment, my hand flying up to my mouth. "Did you do all of this?" 

The apartment had been empty when I looked at it a few days ago, but now it was full of furniture, paintings, plants, and decoration. 

"I got here extra early today," he admitted. "Do you like it baby?"

"I LOVE IT!" I shrieked, running to throw my arms around him. 

He laughed and twirled me around a little. 

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