Dating Klaus Mikaelson would include...

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- travelling all around the world and learning new languages with each other, since you have endless time

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- travelling all around the world and learning new languages with each other, since you have endless time

- on those trips, trying various new foods and writing down the pros and cons about each one

- he would tear apart the world if you were taken from him

- he always kisses you on the lips, and on your neck

- he gives you long lust or love filled gazes which gives your body tingles

- the sex is mind-blowing and toe-curling, and it somehow manages to get even better every time you guys do it

- being best friends with Rebekah, and pranking Elijah and Klaus all the time

- going shopping with Rebekah and updating your whole closet

- Going on missions with Klaus, and him always protecting you and making sure you don't get hurt

- he goes crazy overboard with all your dates and presents,  because he flies you to Italy or Paris, or buys you a whole car or house

- sees you as his queen, and couldn't imagine loving anybody else

- you bringing out the innocence and kindness in him that he refuses to show to anyone else

- him teaching you how to paint, and lying about how good you are, when you know how bad it is

- him talking to you from the heart about his deep-rooted problems, and you hugging him and telling him it was going to be okay

- him always looking at you for support and for back up when no one will believe or trust him

- loves carrying you and holding you, he needs to be with you everyday, and seeks that kind of love

- him getting super jealous when Kol flirts with you, and you trying to stop him from daggering his brother

- You being a part of the Mikaelson family, and Klaus's first priority, no matter what

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