Imagine #7: Kai

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TRIGGER WARNING: Bloody death and sad themes

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TRIGGER WARNING: Bloody death and sad themes

You die in battle and you say goodbye to your boyfriend Kai. 

IMPORTANT: For this imagine, just pretend that Kai is still alive in season 7, and is helping you fight the Heretics. 

Mystic falls was honestly a mess, AGAIN! 

Honestly, wasn't there one week we could go through without a major dilemma. ONE WEEK IS ALL I'M ASKING FOR!

But no. That wasn't going to happen. 

Currently, we were in a major turf war with the heretics. And while there were many of us: Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Alaric, Kai, Me, and even Matt, we were no match for the Heretics. 

Unfortunately, Enzo had stayed out of it, claiming that he didn't want to choose a side, which in my opinion was BS. Honestly, he had to choose a side eventually, otherwise he would get killed. 

Nora, Valerie, Mary-Louise, and Beau wanted vengeance, and they were gonna get it. Another unfortunate circumstance was that Lily had no idea of the conflict, otherwise she would have dragged her minion family back home by their hair. 

She had an EXTREMELY weird relationship with her sons, and I wasn't gonna get in the middle of it. 

Anyways, back to the present. 

We were losing, BADLY! 

Yes, Kai was a Heretic, but his magic wasn't very helpful at the moment, since he still hadn't practice the endless amount of magic he had now. Also, Matt was passed out somewhere, hopefully not fatally. Then Alaric was taking Caroline away, since he didn't want his kids to have both of their parents die at the same time. 

So now it was just Bonnie, Stefan, Damon, Kai, and I fighting against the 4 psycho Heretics. 

And to be honest, I wasn't much help. Being a puny human myself. I mean, I had weapons, and I had MAD fighting skills. But the Heretics were much faster, stronger, and meaner.

So naturally, I freaked when I saw the long stake hurtling from Mary-Louise's hand towards Damon. He was facing a different direction, fighting with Beau, and the stake would pierce his heart from the back if I didn't do something. 

Maybe if I had had more time, I could have knocked the stake away, but in the high-adrenaline moment, all I could do was jump in front of him. 

Maybe I could have survived if we had more time, but getting a stake deep in your body could potentially cause me to bleed out.  

I cried out as the splintering piece of wood embedded itself in my stomach, and pretty sure it was rubbing against my guts. 

I fell against Damon, and he turned around in shock at my scream at the impact of my body hitting his. 

"Y/N!" he yelled, catching the other attention. 

He lowered me to the ground, and Kai rushed to me. "Y/N," he choked out in horror. 

"GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Damon commanded, and Kai complied, maybe the only thing they agreed on. 

He lifted me carefully into his arms, and zoomed me out of the fight, to a more abandoned street. Then he gently laid me down on the cold sidewalk, and started hyperventilating. 

"Okay, Y/N, please just stay with me," he pleaded, his breaths getting shorter as he was gasping for air. 

"K-kai, it's okay. At least, it was for a good cause," I mumbled, reaching up to hold his hand. 

He looked at me with panic. "W-what? NO! Don't speak like that okay? Let me give you my blood," he suddenly said, biting into his wrist. 

"Kai. KAI! It won't work, you know that!" I reminded him miserably. 

"What? WHY! Oh, you're cancer," he got up and screamed, his hand punching the building next to us. 

I flinched as it made a whole, and the dust coming out of it made him cough. 

"Y/N, I can't lose you like this. Please! We can go to a hospital or something!" he begged, tears now streaming down his face. 

"Kai, I only have a few minutes left. Can you.... just hold me," I whispered, choking on the blood that started trickling out of my mouth. 

"You can't leave me. You're not allowed to. You promised Y/N!" he sobbed, kneeling down next to me, and pulling my body onto his lap. 

I chuckled ruefully, content in his hand holding my head, the other cupping my cheek. 

"Please don't cry baby," I murmured, wiping his tears away. 

"I'm gonna kill Damon," he growled, leaning into my hand. 

"No! I would rather die like this, a heroic death, rather than struggling with the cancer," I warned, trying not to cry.

The pain was slowly fading, numbing my mind and body, yet the emotional pain in my heart was increasing. I felt like I was going to explode. 

I didn't want to die!

But I needed to be strong. For him. 

"Please don't leave me! I've already lost everyone else! We were going to go start a family, DARN IT Y/N! I was turning over a new leaf, I was going to be a better man! And now it's all going to hell! Please don't go Y/N! I can't live without you," he blubbered, his hiccuping sobs breaking up his sentences. 

"I love you Malachai," I sighed in content, looking up at the sky, pink with the sunset. 

"No. NOO!" he yelled, shaking me, not even caring if it would interfere with the wound. "Y/N!!"

The world was slowly fading to black. 

The last thing I heard and felt, was him shutting my eyes with his hand, and whispering, "I love you too sweetheart. Till we meet again."

∆ ∆ ∆


That was a sad one guys! 

But I hoped you enjoyed the softer side of Kai. 

I actually don't know where the GIF is from. I think Supergirl? 

Anyways, please vote and comment your feedback!! 


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