Imagine #3: Klaus (ft. The Mikaelsons)

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He finds out you're in an abusive relationship

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He finds out you're in an abusive relationship

"I am SO done with you!" I shriek angrily, clutching my cheek in pain. 

It was purple with a handprint. Once again, we had gotten into a huge and toxic fight, ending up with him hitting me. I thought he could change, would change, for me. 

"I gave you 1 chance, you blew it! I even offered a second chance, and guess what, you just ruined it. GOD! It will be a relief to get away with you! Take your stuff, and LEAVE!" I yell, stalking past him. 

He grabs my arm roughly, spinning me around. His eyes are murderous and frenzy as he grits his teeth. 

"You can't break up with me! You wouldn't survive without me you wench!" he snarled. "I mean, the last time we broke up, you came back to me, a freaking sobbing MESS!" 

I blanched. It was true, I was so unstable when he left me, that in a night of weakness and alcohol overdose, I found myself on his doorstep, begging to take me back.

"Well, that was obviously a mistake I WON'T be making again. I'm leaving, and when I'm back, you better be long gone. If I find ANY of your stuff, it's going in the fire!" I barked, pulling my arm out of his tight grip, grabbing my coat, and running out, slamming the door behind me. 

As soon as I stepped out into the street, the frigid air cut into my lungs, bringing tears in my eyes. Pretty soon, I realised I was not only crying because of the cold, but because I was so darn tired! Tired of being abused, tired of being ridiculed, and tired, just SO tired of myself. 

GOD, I was so pathetic!

I should have left him months ago, the freaking FIRST time he hit me. 

I angrily stomped down the street, not even realising where I was headed until I was at the doorstep of a certain someone's house. The mikaelsons. 

Against all of my friends wishes, especially my sister Elena's, I had befriended each and every one of them, and enjoyed their company. I had only known them for the few months they had moved here for, but bonded pretty quickly. 

Of course I haven't excused them for all the horrible things they have done, especially a certain someone, but he is the one that I had gotten closest to. And I jut couldn't bring myself to part with them. 

Taking a deep breath, and wiping my tears, I knocked on the door. 

It opened after about 20 seconds, with Kol Mikaelson at the doorway, looking down at me in surprise. 

"Y/N? What are you– Oh my god, what happened to your face?" he asked angrily, leaning closer to inspect it. 

Shrugging past him, I walked into the house. 

"Where's Rebekah?" I asked, cursing my voice for wavering. 

"Y/N, tell me who did that to you!" he demanded, shutting the door in annoyance and following me into the main room.

I had walked into the living room where the rest of the Mikaelsons were now residing. 

"Y/N! Lovely to see you! Bloody hell, what happened??" exclaimed Rebekah, rushing over to engulf me into a hug. 

"I swear, if this was him again... Y/N, I will bloody rip his head of his shoulders if you haven't broken up with him yet! I can't just sit back anymore!" she threatened. 

I shot her an angry look. I hadn't told anyone else yet, and Rebekah had only found out a few days ago when she ran into me nursing a bruised hip. 

"What is she talking about?" Klaus demanded angrily, quickly getting up from the couch he was sitting on. 

"Y/N, who do we need to hurt?" Elijah asked earnestly, just as angry as the rest. 

I huffed in annoyance.

"I-uh-it was a mistake coming here. I'm sorry for disturbing you, I'll just leave now," I say, turning around to leave, but not before Klaus whooshed in front of me. 

"You are NOT leaving, until you tell me what the hell is going on," he warned, looking at the others. "Leave us alone."

"Not a chance in hell Nik! Elijah needs to hear this as well!" Rebekah shot at him. 

Klaus rolled his eyes and then grabbed me around the torso. Before I could even saying anything, he zoomed upstairs into an empty bedroom, plopping me onto the bed, and then shutting and locking the door behind him. 

"Talk," he ordered vehemently. 

I looked at my feet. I hadn't had a chance to look in the mirror in the last 30 minutes, so I didn't realise how evident the handprint on my cheek was. I had come here, seeking only to talk to Rebekah about it. 

"Klaus," I say nervously, getting up to go to the door. 

He blocked my path easily, putting both his hands on my shoulders and guiding me back to the bed. 

"Please, love. Please tell me," he pleaded. 

"It was Christian," I mumble inaudibly. 

Unfortunately his vampire hearing picked it up. 

"You're stupid human boyfriend?" he asked incredulously, momentarily forgetting that I was a "stupid" human as well. 

"He... gets violent sometimes. But don't worry, I took care of it. I kicked him out tonight," I explain, trying to keep my voice steady so that Klaus doesn't literally explode. 

"He, WHAT?" he exploded, failing to calm down as I had wished. 

"That little," he broke off into a series of colourful curses, running his hands through his golden hair. 

"I swear Y/N, I will bloody KILL him for you," he hissed out, barely controlling the change in his eye colour and the veins rippling down his face.

"NO!" I yelled out. "I don't want any of his blood on my hands!"

He ignored me and opened the door, where Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah were not so subtly listening in. 

"Contain her," he directed to them. "I've got a little field trip to take."

I got up angrily, but didn't get far as Kol and Rebekah zoomed to restrain me as Elijah looked at me apologetically. 

"I'm sorry darling, but we just can't let him get away with this," Kol said, as if that would help me! 

"KLAUS MIKAELSON! I SWEAR IF YOU HURT HIM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, hoping he heard me, and praying that my idiot of an ex-boyfriend was long gone. 

∆ ∆ ∆

10 minutes later, Klaus had frustratedly came back to the house, claiming that he hadn't found the.... actually, it's probably better if I leave out what he called him. 

"Y/N, sweetheart. You promise me that if he ever come near you again, you call me so I can slowly kill him?" he asked, pointing a finger at me. 

I almost laugh. "I promise."

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