Preference #9: What you fight about

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Damon Salvatore: 

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Damon Salvatore: 

You fight about how he drinks too much when things get hard. You don't like it when he bottles up his emotions so tightly, and then explodes when the tension gets too high. And situations are often very hard when you live in Mystic Falls, and so he is drunk often, and you just can't stand. 

Then you also fight about your anger problem. Since you're a witch, things don't go very well when you're emotions get the best of you. You argue that you have it under control, when you both know that you don't. He tries to help you but you're too full of pride. 

Stefan Salvatore: 

Both of you don't argue often, but when you do, it's about him keeping secrets from you, because he's afraid they'll scare you. You're so annoyed about that because you know that nothing could make you run from him. But he is insecure about his secrets, especially his bloodlust, and sometimes refuses to let you in. 

You also fight about your inability to stay out of problems. Every time the gang has to fight or be in a high-danger situation, you always want to help. But since you're human, you're literally as useless as Matt Donovan. But that doesn't stop you. Stefan hates that you put yourself in these situations, because he's scared you'll get hurt. 

Klaus Mikaelson: 

You both are very passionate and opinionated people, and the fighting is often. You hate how he treats his family, and since you are friends with most of them, can't stand it when he daggers them. You don't believe that he should have that kind of power over them, because it is a big damper in everyone's relationship. 

You also fight about how you get so stressed that you start breaking from the inside out. He hates that you torture yourself like this, because you feel that he wouldn't care about your very mundane problems. However, he keeps telling you to talk to him, and open up more. 

Elijah Mikaelson: 

Most of your fights are about his dedication to his brother. You don't see anything worth saving, while he protests that he believes his brother is capable of redemption. You can stand how Elijah will drop everything to help his brother, when Klaus has done nothing of the sort for him. Elijah gets angry that you don't support him on this matter. 

You also fight about how you don't have any control over your feeding habits, and the overwhelming guilt that consumes you after every incident. He wants to help you, but you're so stubborn that you want to find frontal on your own. 

Jeremy Gilbert: 

You fight about his drug problem a lot. Most of your part in the fight stems from the worry you have for him. You're scared that one day, he'll have an overdose, which could be lethal. He thinks he has control over it, and gets very annoyed that you're worried. He says he's the one that can take care of himself. 

You fight about your "clinginess". He has suffered through so much, that you're always pushing him to talk to you, making sure he's okay, and just watching over it. He says that a relationship is supposed to be equal, and that he wants to protect you as well. You just think that he's insecure, because you're not the one that needs supervision.

Kai Parker: 

You fight about his inability to express himself. He often hides his emotions and feelings by being flippant, or even mean sometimes. You get hurt often, because he'll lash out instead of just admiring his thoughts. You think he should go to a therapist, but he finds the idea absurd, and you often yell at each other about that. 

You fight about your "sensitivity". He thinks that you are too sensitive, and that you need to be more tough. That really offends you and you yell at him for being mean. He thinks you're degrading him by suggesting you go to a therapist. This goes on and on in a vicious cycle. 

Kol Mikaelson: 

You fight about his use of violence and brutality. You think that he has anger problems, and believe that he should find a way to get peace. You even suggested for him to meditate, or have some kind of mindfulness to help him calm down. He hates the idea. 

He doesn't like it when you distract yourselves with a lot of different tasks, so you won't have to think about your own problems. And then eventually, it shows in your attitude and other activities. He wants to to face your problems head on, instead of running away. But you refuse to. 

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