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Requested by: Bigbadvamp23

Stefan teaches you how to swim after the disastrous event the happened at a party. 

I knew I should have never gone to that stupid party. 

I mean, the words pool party should have been my first hint, given that I couldn't swim. 

But, NO! Like the stupid person I am, I went anyway. 

My second clue should have been when there were swimming contests, and everyone had to join. I should have zoomed out of there straight away, but no, I hung in the back, totally not creepily watching everyone. 

Let me just tell you how it happened. 

2 hours ago

"Elena, I don't feel comfortable going to this party," I said earnestly, but she ignored me, pushing me towards the door of the unfamiliar house.

"Well you should have told me that before we drove here," she said matter-of-factly, and I held in my scream.

"I did! The entire time, but you didn't listen!" 

"Veronica, this is for your own good! You need to just relax a little," she told me, knocking on the door. 

I bit my lip in frustration, I didn't want to tell her that I couldn't swim. It was so stupid. Any idiot my age could swim, I had just never learned. 

It also didn't help that I had a phobia of deep water, and not being able to see the bottom. I can't count the times I woke up from a nightmare of me drowning. 

The door opened and we were let in to the backyard, where there was a gigantic pool, and people already swimming in it, or talking on the patio. 

Everything was fine for the first hour, I stayed by the food table, while Elena conversed with some other girls. 

But then, it happened. 

I was just minding my own business, walking across the yard to pet a cat I saw behind the fence, when some guy walked past me, his shoulder brushing mine a little too aggressively. I slipped on the already wet ground, and splashed into the pool, my arms flailing. 

I heard whistles and whoops, but my main focus was getting out of there. 

I was hyperventilating, not being able to get to the top. Now that I think of it, I could have probably just stood and been fine, but I couldn't think through my fear, couldn't think at all. 

At the very last moment, when I thought I was going to die, a girl grabbed my arm and pulled me out. I thanked her, thinking it was Elena, but it was just some random girl. 

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