Imagine #14: Elijah

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You are sitting on an airplane together, and it's your first time in the air

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You are sitting on an airplane together, and it's your first time in the air. 

As soon as I had entered the airplane, greeting the flight attendant politely, I already felt slightly nauseous. 

I was something about the smell that made me feel sick. The leather aroma was just not for me. But anyways, I had never thrown up on a plane before, but okay, that's because I had never been on a plane before. 

Now that I had to move away for a job, I hadn't seen my family in over 6 months, and I missed them, enough that I was willing to fly over. 

Technically, I could have driven, but that would have taken 20+ hours, and I had already done that once. 

Would not recommend. 

Especially if you're the one driving. 

I walked through the aisle, trying to look for my seat, when I finally found it, and thank the lords! It was a window seat. 

I subtly pumped my fist in the air, like the goober I am, and opened the top part to put my luggage in. 

Unfortunately, the odds were not in my favour, and I stood on my tippy toes, trying to reach. I heard some people mumble in annoyance behind me, as I was taking up half the aisle, but there was still space for them to walk past me!


Couldn't they see I was struggling?

"May I help you?" I heard a male voice saw from behind me, and I spun around in fright, almost dropping the suitcase on my head.

Luckily, his hand shot out to catch it, and it didn't even look like it fazed him. 

"Nice reflexes," I squeaked, and realised that in the process of him catching my luggage, we were unbearably close. 

I cleared my throat awkwardly, and managed to turn around and take ahold of my suitcase. 

"Hey, dude! Stop holding up the line!" I heard someone shout, and the man behind me turned around calmly. 

"Allow me to help the young lady first," he said, and then added snottily," dude."

Young lady?!? 

We were literally the same age!

I let him take the suitcase from my hands, and I slid into my seat, allowing him to right the luggage, and close the compartment. 

Then he peered at the seat number and letter next to mine, and almost smirked to himself in disbelief. 

"It looks like this is my seat," he announced to me, and I wasn't sure if I was happy, excited, or just plain nervous. 

"All passengers, please sit in your seats! And don't forget to put on your seatbelt for safety. We will be taking off now," a female voice blared from the speakers. 

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