Imagine #15: Kol

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(Has nothing to do with the imagine, just thought it was funny haha)

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(Has nothing to do with the imagine, just thought it was funny haha)

He helps you get through a panic attack

This week absolutely sucked. 

Shocker, I know, every week sucks. 

Okay, that sounds a bit depressing. 

What I meant was that this week was especially bad in the scale of "meh" days. 

I had 5 assessments in 1 week, and they were piled over two days! Like seriously, couldn't the teachers communicate with each other?

And I know I completely flunked at least one of them. 

So there I was, riding the bus home on that rainy Friday afternoon, eager to shower, and snuggle up with my boyfriend Kol.

He was so amazing. How did I snag such an attractive floofball?

Finally the bus stop and I trudged home, by head bowed. I still had 3 more assessments next week, and then the semester of tests was finally over. 

I arrived home, dropping my keys on the table and washing my hands. 

"Kol? You home?" I called out, but with no reply. 

Ugh, he was probably still out getting a snack, yeah, that kind of snack. 

Might as well do some homework then, I thought, walking up the stairs. 

When I reached the top, I was breathless, and mentally made a note to get more fit. I mean honestly, who gets winded by walking up the stairs?

For the next 30 minutes, I worked. Well, it was more like procrastinating, taking a TikTok break, looking at the material, stressing, then deciding I needed to eat something. Very productive Y/N. 

I didn't notice that I was sweating as I bounded down the stairs. My hands were shaking, and my breaths came in shorter, but I was just focusing on getting some chocolate. 

After all, this feeling was normal right? It was just stress. 

I bent down to open the drawer full of chocolate, but my chest suddenly seized, and I gasped for breath, which my lungs did not provide. 

Dizziness overwhelmed me, and I felt like I was going to throw up. I swayed and clutched the counter, trying to suck in deep breaths, but with no avail. 

Oh my god, oh my god, I was choking, I couldn't breath, was I going to die?!

My skin flushed cold and then warm again as my eyes bulged open. 

Was this normal? Was this just an exaggerated feeling of stress? Or was I losing my mind? Was I dying?

Suddenly, a blur whizzed towards me, and I felt arms carrying me to the couch. 

"Y/N, darling, breathe! Please breathe!" I heard a male voice usher imploringly. 

Suddenly a hand pushed my head down between my knees, and urged me to take deep breaths. As far away as the voice seemed, I followed their orders, and soon, my breaths starting coming back, and I could inhale again!

"What happened?" the voice asked again, and I looked up hazily to see it was Kol who had dropped his grocery bags and helped me. 

"I don't know, I just couldn't breathe," I admitted, looking away in embarrassment. 

"Hey, hey," his hands cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look up at him. "I think you were having a panic attack."

I let out a loud breathe. "Please, I don't get panic attacks," I protested, but he shook his head. 

"Y/N, I don't know why, but you are feeling huge amounts of stress, and you haven't found a way to channel it. So all of it just piled up, and you panicked," he explained as if he were a doctor himself. "Please talk to me."

I chewed on my inner lip indecisively. "I just have a lot of assessments, and I can't keep up."

"Y/N, you should have asked me to help you with them. You do realise I'm a thousand year old vampire? I know everything," he said matter of factly. 

I laughed quietly. "Okay, but I don't want to study right now, I just want to lay with you."

He nodded affirmingly and whooshed me up to our room. He laid me gently on the bed and got in next to me. 

I turned away from him, so that he could spoon me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and our legs tangled together under the covers. 

"I love you," he whispered in my ear, and I smiled softly. 

"I love you too."

∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had a ton of studying to do for the eAssessments, yay.....

I tried my best to describe the panic attack, but I've never had one so I don't really know how it feels like. 

Hoped you enjoyed!

Please vote! I want to reach my goal of 400 votes :)

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