Preference #3: His first thoughts of you

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A/N (IMPORTANT): For once, these will apply to the how you met chapter

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A/N (IMPORTANT): For once, these will apply to the how you met chapter. 

Damon Salvatore: 


As she left to go back home, I stayed in the forest for a few more minutes, smiling to myself. She was absolutely beautiful for one things. But I had almost gone soft on her. Ugh, I was just passing through town to look for Katherine. I shouldn't get so distracted already. 

Stefan Salvatore: 


After she walked away to get to her class, I closed my locker bemusedly. I was looking forward to getting to know her, eager to meet a girl. She seemed like a bright and curious girl and was actually nice, compared to all of the other fake girls in this grade. High school really wasn't getting any better. 

Klaus Mikaelson: 


We talked for a few minutes, before I had to leave to help my family. On the walk home, I couldn't help but think of her. She was gorgeous and obviously well-informed on all things art related. I hoped I would see her again. She mentioned she was on vacation, but perhaps I can convince her to stay a while longer. 

Elijah Mikaelson:


After the ball had finished, I went up to my room, and let my mind wonder to Y/N who I had just met. She was a wonderful girl, quite different from all her other friends. She was innocent, and light, even as there was so much darkness in her surroundings. Perhaps I will go visit her sometime. 

Jeremy Gilbert:


I had given Y/N my number, and told her to text me any time she had troubles with the other students again. If there is one thing I can't stand, it's bullies. And why would they bully such a sweet girl such as her. She was a grade lower than me, and even though I had only spoken to her for a few minutes, I couldn't help feeling as if I wanted to protect her against anything and everything. 

Kai Parker: 


She introduced me to her friends, who I already knew all about, and then assigned me a room to sleep in. She seemed very headstrong, but I liked bossy girls. Also, it's really cute when she gets annoyed, her nose scrunching up and her bright eyes squinting as she places her hands on her hips incredulously. 

Kol Mikaelson


After I compelled her, I walked home slowly, wanting to enjoy the fresh before I was hounded by my siblings. Now, I'm never poetic or anything, but I could tell that she had a beautiful and strong soul, and she was the person in a long time who actually had the guts and courage to fight back against me. It was exhilarating. Maybe I'll come across her path again, and this time introduce myself as a friend. 

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