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TRIGGER WARNING: If any mentions of suicide or depression affect you in any way, please feel free to skip this chapter

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TRIGGER WARNING: If any mentions of suicide or depression affect you in any way, please feel free to skip this chapter. It won't be too heavy with it, but it is mentioned. 

Please keep in mind that I am not romanticising suicide or depression, it is a very serious condition that is not to be joked around about. It is just a request. Enjoy. 

Requested by: MrSMOLDERHOLDER06

He stops you from committing suicide

I felt empty. 

I really tried. I tried to think of one reason to live. Just one. But I couldn't. 

My whole family was dead. My friends thought I was a freak of nature. Hell, I didn't even know what I was. How I could do things that no one else could. How when I was really angry or sad, things would explode around me. People would die. Houses would catch on fire. 

I was lost. 

I didn't want anyone to see me cry, I didn't want them to see me as weak. But at the same time, I hate how nobody noticed how broken I was. 

Can't they hear my screams for help?

Can't they notice my pleas?

Well, it doesn't matter now anyway. 

The wind whipped my golden hair, looking brown now in the pitch black night. I trembled as my foot hovered above air. 

I was standing on the roof of an abandoned building. I didn't want anyone stopping me, and I didn't even know if I could stop myself.

Was I really about to do this?

Was I really about to end my life?

It's funny how one second you live, and the next, you're nothing, you're just dead. 

I smiled ruefully, remembering the good old days, where I thought life was beautiful. Where the birds chirped every morning, the sun glowed every afternoon, and the moon shone a newfound hope on me. 

Well guess what? 

The birds stopped chirping. 

I took a deep breath, wiping the remaining pool of tears roughly from my green eyes with the back of my hand. 

I shut my eyes tightly, and turned around, so that my back was facing the open air. 

Suddenly, I heard a noise, and my eyes shot wide open. 

I gasped when I saw a man standing in front of me, and almost losing my footing. 

"Please. Don't do this," he pleaded, reaching a hand out for me to grasp. 

I just looked at it in astonishment. "Who are you? What do you want?" I asked him furiously, ashamed at the moment he caught me in. 

"My name is Stefan. Look, I know how hard life can feel sometimes, but no matter how down it gets you, you can't give up like this," he started, before I interrupted him harshly. 

"Give up? Darn right I'm giving up! I have nothing left to live for, and believe me, I TRIED!" 

He just looked at me sadly, subtly taking another step towards me, but of course I noticed. 

"S-stay away from m-me," I stammered, inching away, my heel now aligned with the edge of the ledge. 

He put his hands up in surrender, the panic clear in his eyes. 

"Look, if you kill yourself right now, and I'm a witness, I'll feel responsible. And trust me, if I am burdened by one more death, I won't be able to take it anymore. So if you won't live for yourself, then live for me," he said softly. 

I stopped trembling. I didn't want to add to this mans obvious misery. But I couldn't back down now. I'd already gone too far. 

"I–" I started, when a strong gust of wind came out of nowhere, this time resulting in me losing my balance, and not being able to regain it. 

I stumbled, a cry launching itself out of my throat. 


What was I thinking? I couldn't do this! 

In that one millisecond, a hundred thoughts rushed through my mind. What was I doing? I wanted to live! 

But now it was too late. 

I screamed as I fell backwards off the ledge, preparing myself for the long and dreadful fall to come. 

But not moments before I fell off, a hand gripped my hand, and I was dangling down the side of the building, held only up by the one particularly strong man. 

"Stefan!" I sobbed. "Help me, please, I don't want to die," 

"I know," he said. "I know. Just hang on!" 

Then, with superhuman strength, he pulled me up, and his other arm secured around my waist, to keep me steady. 

I shivered, not only because of the cold, but because of the near-death experience I'd had. 

I had almost touched death. 

"T-thank you," I stuttered, my hands on the man's shoulders to keep myself upright. "How did you catch me? You were like 3 metres away."

"It doesn't matter now," he said gently. "What's your name?"

"Ana," I muttered. 

"Okay Ana, let me take you home."

∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: Hello!

I can't believe I have 723 reads. AAAAHHHH. 

And 116 votes??!!!!!!!!!


Though I would really like some more requests and feedback, I love the support shown towards me so far. 

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