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I normally don't do Enzo, but since it is requested, I will :)

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I normally don't do Enzo, but since it is requested, I will :)

REQUESTED by: butter6789

Meeting him in the Augustine cells

The last thing I remembered was being vervained and then dragged into a minivan. 

I was going home to see my older sister, who I hadn't seen in many years, and of course, wouldn't actually see me. She was under the impression that I was dead, that I had been dead for the past 60 years. I had turned when I was 21, and she was now at the ripe old age of 86. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't see her face-to-face, otherwise the poor thing would probably have a heart attack at seeing the "ghost" of her dead sister. Well, if we're being technical, I was killed. But anyway, I was making my way to the home for the elderly when I was grabbed, vervained, and basically kidnapped. 

I woke up groggily in almost pitch black darkness, save for the candle like glow that seemed to come from everywhere. Through my bleary eyesight, I managed to see bars that looked like a part of a cell. Why was I outside of a cell? 

Oh wait, I was in the cell. 


I had stupidly hoped it was one of my idiotic friends pulling a mean prank on me, or at least not something as sinister as what I felt in my gut. Evil seemed to seep out of the thick walls. 

I sat up, groaning at the uncomfortable and painful (if I have to admit) feeling spreading over me from the heavy dosage of vervain I received earlier. With some struggle, I pulled myself to my feet, and dragged myself over to the cell bars. 

I stuck me head through as far as I could, trying to at least look at my surroundings.

No such luck. 

All I could see was a dark hallway with a door at the end. I used my vampire hearing and flinched in shock. I could hear screaming. Loud screams of agony. And then I heard laughing and a noise of something squishy. 

Fear jumped through me and I pulled myself together with a rush of adrenaline. I needed to get the HELL out of here!

I tugged and tugged with all my might on the bars, but they wouldn't budge. I started getting blisters on my hands and realised that along with the amazing strength they had, the bars had been coated with vervain. 

"I wouldn't try that again luv," a voice out of the corner said, startling me so much that I jumped back, looking for the source of the noise. 

I saw a figure in a cell next to me, a cell I hadn't even realised was there. Thank god I wasn't the only one!

Ooh, he was British. Rawr. 


"Who are you? What do they want with us? Wait, are you one of them? How do we get out of here? Who are these people?" I bombarded him with questions, not giving him anytime to even answer any of them. 

"Well, you certainly have more gusto than I had. No matter, my friend will get me out," he assured me. 

"Um, what friend?" I asked curiously.

"His name is Damon Salvatore. Ever heard of him?"

"No," I replied. 

"Well, he used to inhabit the cell next to the one you're sitting in, but then he escaped some 50 years ago. I've been waiting for him ever since, but I'm starting to lose hope," he explained. 

My mouth dropped open. 

"You've been here for 50 YEARS?" I asked incredulously, my fear starting to kick in again, along with helplessness. 

"Actually it's been longer than that gorgeous. I've lost count though. Have cars begun to fly yet?" he asked me. 

"Um, no." I say, not sure what else to answer with. 

This guy has been here for who knows how long, waiting for a friend that is probably never coming, and looks kinda crazy. GAH! I'M GONNA DIE!

Suddenly the door at the end of the hallway opened, and a tall man walked out, half carrying another man who was out cold. 

As they came closer, I realised with a sinking feeling that the unconscious man was bloodied and beaten, and that the tall man was responsible for it. 

After he had put the man in his cell, the taller man came over to my cell. 

"Well well, if it isn't our new test subject. Come along," he ordered, beginning to open the cell door. 

I scuttle backwards as fast as I can. 

"WAIT!" the British man in the cell cries. "She's rather nasty! Has some kind of weird deficit. Take me for the time being. Or at least until you know what to do with that one!" 

"Lorenzo, Lorenzo. You know speaking up gets you in trouble. I guess we'll have to test on you a little longer today," the man snickered gleefully, shutting my cell and opening Lorenzo's. 

"The name's Enzo by the way!" he called to me as he was dragged towards the door. 

"JADE!" I called after him, hoping that he wouldn't die. 

Oh god. How was I ever going to get out of here?

∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: Hey! Hope you enjoyed the requested one! 

I would love to hear some feedback on my book! And please vote to show your support :)


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