Imagine #5: Damon

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You have a nightmare

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You have a nightmare

Ever since I had almost died in the terrible fire a few weeks ago, I had been having horrible nightmares. The fire wasn't accidental of course, but it wasn't targeted towards me. I was what would be called collateral damage, as well as all the others who had been injured. 

I was at a newly opened restaurant, where I wasn't aware that the owner was actually a vampire, who had some very bad enemies that wanted to kill him. They decided to torch the place, seemingly unaware that there were many people inside, due to the fact that it was a new restaurant. 

It also didn't help that I was hysterically afraid of fire. I must have died in one in my past life or something, because as far as I can remember, fire hasn't done anything to me for my whole life. It was a good thing that Damon was coming to pick me up from the restaurant at the time when it was torched. 

I was in the bathroom at the time, and the door had been jammed shut by a piece of flaming wood. He had saved me just in time, and whooshed me out of the burning place. 

That had been 2 weeks ago. I hadn't suffered any major injuries, just some smoke in my lungs and some 1st degree burns, which healed in a week. 

I hadn't let him know, but I had been having terrible nightmares ever since that afternoon. Thankfully, none of them had me screaming in the middle of the night, and so he had no way of knowing. 

However, my nightmare this night was extremely worse. 

Damon was discussing something with Stefan downstairs, some fanatical plan for something disastrous, and so he wouldn't be up for a few more hours. I had drawn myself a bath before I went to bed, in hopes of it relaxing me, but with no avail. 

As soon as I rested my head on the soft pillow in Damon's double bed, I was overcome by my dream. 

I opened my eyes, and looked around in confusion. I was still in Damon's bed, but his room looked different. It was darker than usual, even though the day outside was bright with sunshine. 

Had I slept through the night without any bad dreams?

I got out of the bed and stepped on the floor, when I immediately shrieked in shock and jumped back on the bed. 

There was liquid gasoline sloshing around on the floor, and was almost up to my ankles when I had stepped down on it. 

"DAMON?" I shouted in fear. 

He appears right by the door and looked me, smiling ever so sinisterly. 

"What is this?" I asked him, suddenly doubtful whether he would help me or not. 

"I'm burning you alive," he said matter-of-factly. As if that was a casual sentence!

WHAT?!" I shrieked. 

I jumped back down on the floor, the gasoline splashing around my cold feet. But before I could dash out of the door, which was somehow keeping all the gasoline in, Damon dropped a flaming matchstick on the liquid. 

I screamed as the fire erupted and threw me backwards from the force of the explosion. In the process, my head hit the frame of the bed, and I blacked out. 

When I came to again, I was in a forest of fire. The bed, the curtains, everything was burning with a life of it's own.

I screamed for help hoarsely, and then remembered that it was Damon who put me in here. 

Why would he do this? Why would he want to kill me. I coughed thickly, pressing a hand on my chest as if that would help me breathe. 

So far I hadn't been touched my the fire, which was suspiciously lucky. Maybe it was enchanted to kill me slowly. 

Then the flaming ceiling of the bedroom cracked loudly, and fell on me. 

I woke up screaming, hysterical and in a cold sweat. Not moments after my piercing scream hit the air, Damon had zoomed up at lightning speed and was next to me in an instant. 

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" he asked frantically, peeling back the covers which were warm and sweaty, and looking if I had been injured. 

"What happened?" he inquired, sitting on the bed and gently brushing back the hair the was crazily whipped around my face.

"I-I had a n-nightmare," I managed to get out, still choking on the smoke that had surrounded me not seconds earlier. 

"Is this to do with the fire," he suddenly asked. "Y/N, how long has this been going on?!" 

I let out a distraught sob. "A week. Damon it was so horrible," I cried. 

He looked at me for a few seconds, concern and anger still written all over his features. Then his face softened, and he pulled me in for a fierce hug.

"Y/N, you should have told me. I could have helped you," he said, referring to his abilities to control dreams. 

I hummed softly. "Can you just lay with me?" I asked timidly. 

I could feel him smiling against my shoulder. "Of course," he mumbled. 

He softly lay me down on the bed, and got a fresh duvet to cover us up. I turned around so that my back was against his chest, and he settled an arm around my waist, the warmth and security comforting me. 

"I love you," he whispered in my ear, and kissed me on my shoulder. 

But I was already asleep. 

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