Preference #6: He hurts you emotionally/physically

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PART 2: 

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PART 2: 

Elijah Mikaelson: (Y/N is human) (You will have had to watched the originals to understand the context)

IF YOU HAVEN'T, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED: Esther had kidnapped Elijah and tortured him with the memories that he had subdued, horrible kills he had committed such as murdering Tatia (One of doppelgängers)

I knew Elijah had been having trouble adjusting to his day-to-day life ever since he had returned from Esther's clutches. He was having nightmares almost every night, I had heard from Rebekah. He wasn't coming home on most nights, and when he did, he slept at the Mikaelson house instead of with me, in fear of hurting me while he was semi-conscious. 

So when we decided to meet up for dinner and our house, I wanted it to be perfect. I had played out candles, a nice tablecloth, and a delicious home-cooked meal which scented the air with a good aroma. 

I jumped in excitement as I heard the doorbell ring, and ran over to it, opening the door and smiling at Elijah. Of course, he was wearing a suit, and a long black jacket on top, since it was still a chilly autumn outside. 

"Get inside before all the leaves blow in!" I chastised him, laughing all the while. "You know this is your house too, you have the keys to it."

"I threw them away," he muttered, and at seeing my surprised expression, he continued to say, "I was afraid I could enter here in a blind rage and try to kill you."

That was so blunt, that all I could do was gulp and continued leading him to the dining room, where my beautiful dinner was laid out. 

"Wow," he uttered, his eyes widening slightly. "You didn't have to do all of this Y/N."

I smiled and assured him that I wanted to. He was acting very strangely, almost robotically, and his eyes kept flicking over to my neck. Unfortunately to my demise, I didn't hear my phone buzz 3 times. But if I had checked it, this is what is said: 


Y/N! You need to cancel that dinner! I saw Elijah emotionlessly snap a woman's neck before you arrived! He is not in a good place!


Why aren't you answering!



But alas, I didn't check my phone, and by the end of the evening, I would have wished that I did, oh so dearly. 

A few minutes later, I sat down with Elijah and picked up my utensils to start eating. He did as well, but I didn't notice him gripping his knife tight enough to draw blood. 

Suddenly, before I could start eating, he threw the knife sharply, and it embedded itself into my shoulder, deeply. 

I screamed and jumped up from my chair, Elijah already up and stalking towards me

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