Imagine #11: Elijah

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He turns you into a vampire and teaches you afterwards

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He turns you into a vampire and teaches you afterwards. 

"Why?" I whined, tugging at Elijah's arm. "Why won't you turn me into a vampire?"

"Y/N. I assure you this is not what you want. It is not as wondrous as you may believe it to be," Elijah replied calmly, tugging his expensive sleeve out of my hand. 

We were laying down in his bed, and I had been begging him for the 10th time that month to turn me into a vampire. 

"I swear I'm ready. My family is dead, my friends are vampires, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," I pleaded, knowing he would give in eventually. 

He frowned in annoyance, because he knew I had one. 

"You need to think about this very carefully darling. Because once I turn you, there's no going back. There isn't a cure anymore," he reminded me, and went back to reading his book. 

I sat there for the next 5 minutes in silence. 

"Okay, thought about it! And I still want to be turned," I piped up. 

He sighed. 

"I meant for a few days," he grunted. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Elijah, I've been thinking about this for months. I promise you I'm ready," I said gently, resting my head on his shoulder. 

"Alright," he agreed, and rolled his sleeve down to reveal his forearm. 

"Wait, right now?" I asked in surprise, an unexpected tingle to jitters flowing through me. 

"Yes, you were so desperate weren't you?" he answered, looking at me expectantly. 

"Yeah I am! Give it to me," I demanded, and grabbed his wrist which he had already bitten into .

I tried not to gag at the thick and bitter taste of the blood, and swallowed it down, wincing the whole time. 

"Alright, you ready?" he asked softly, placing his hands on both sides of my face, thumbs massaging softly. 

I closed my eyes and nodded. 

"Last chance to reconsider," he warned, but I stayed silent, and with that, he snapped my neck and I was plunged into darkness. 

∆ ∆ ∆

I awoke with a gasp, my hair matted to my scalp and damp. I rubbed my eyes feverishly and looked around to see Elijah jumping up from his chair. 

"Y/N! You're awake. How do you feel?" he asked quickly, peeling off the covers and handing me a ring which I assumed was for the daylight.

"Nice," I remarked, gazing down at the emerald with silver encrusting. 

"I feel...empty. I feel hungry!" I exclaimed, a cold urge growing in my stomach. 

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