Q+A for the readers :)

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A/N: Here I will ask you a series of questions (opinionated), and you are going to comment your answers

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A/N: Here I will ask you a series of questions (opinionated), and you are going to comment your answers. Enjoy!

In your opinion...

Who is the hottest male character?

Who is the hottest female character?

Who is your favourite male character?

Who is your favourite female character?

What is the worst thing your favourite characters have done?

Who is your least favourite character?

If you could pick one person to come back to life, who would it be?

Stefan or Damon?

Klaus or Elijah?

Klaroline or Klamille?

Delena or Stelena?

If you could change the ending, what would you change?

∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: Do you want me to do another Q+A where I ask knowledge questions on TVD?

Also, these are my answers to the questions:


HOTTEST: Bonnie/Katherine

FAVE: Damon

FAVE: Caroline

WORST THINGS: Damon killed Lexi + Katherine abusing Stefan and Damon + Bonnie dislike towards vampires

LEAST FAVE: Julian/Sybil

REVIVE: Stefan/Liz (Sorry can't choose :))



WHICH ONE: Klaroline


Change: Have Enzo still be alive (Bonenzo), Stefan still be alive (steroline), have a look at delena's human life

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