REQUESTED: Kai (Part 1)

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Requested by: Anonimus6_5

Kai breaks into the Salvatore house, and happens to meet the youngest mikaelson (you)

I knocked on the door, eager to see the shocked faces of Damon and Stefan.

 The door opened 5 seconds later, and surprise surprise, Damon's mouth fell open.

"Denisa. Mikaelson. Wow, what are you doing here kiddo?" he asked, his open mouth closing, and then grinning. 

"I have spring vacation, and decided a visit to Mystic Falls would do me good," I replied, walking through the threshold.

"Hey, who's at the door Damon," I heard Stefan's voice say, and he turned the corner to see me.

 "Denisa! Hey!" he exclaimed, opening his arms for a hug. 

"Hi Uncle Stefan!" I beamed, racing into his arms.

 "You know if your father Klaus heard you call me that, he would have my head," Stefan chuckled. 

"Wait, do your parents even know you're here?" Damon inquired, shutting the door quietly. 

I turned around and bit my lip nervously.

"Yes?" the answer came out as a question. 

"Denisa, you didn't pick a good time to come. We kind of have a sociopath running around on the loose," Damon explained, running his hands through his hair. 

"Wow, your lives are definitely more eventful than mine," I whistled through my teeth. "What's his name?"

"Kai," Damon replied.

"We were actually just about to go look for him with Bonnie's locator spell," Stefan reminded Damon, grabbing a coat. 

"Oh right, okay Denisa, you stay!" Damon ordered firmly, patting my head awkwardly. 

I rolled my eyes and watched them go out of the door, the last thing I heard was Stefan saying, "She's not a dog Damon, you're so bad at this role model thing." 

∆ ∆ ∆

The next hour passed uneventfully, and I had already picked a bedroom out of the various ones in the Salvatore mansion. 

I was currently on the sofa, eating a gigantic bowl of ice cream that I knew I was going to regret later, when the doorbell rang. 

I got up in confusion, wondering who it could be. 

"STEVEN! DAMIEN! OPEN THE DOOR!" I heard a male voice screech, and my bewilderment grew. 

Steven?? Damien??

I opened the door tentatively to see a boy not much older than me, dressed in an awkward shirt and glasses that were lopsided. 

"I can't believe you guys couldn't––" The boy broke off, finally seeing me. "Oh, you're not Stefano or Daron."

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