Preference #7: He apologises

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PART 2: 

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PART 2: 

Elijah Mikaelson: (Tried to kill you)

I was so scared as I ran out of the house. I didn't know where else to go, so I dashed up to the Forbes house, literally pounding on the door.

It opened after just a few knocks, a startled and happy to see me Caroline standing at the doorway. 

"Y/N? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly as she pulled me into the warmth of the house, closing  the door behind her. 

We walked to her room where she patted for me to sit next to her on the bed. I sat down sniffling as she waited for me to collect myself. 

"E-elijah tried t-t-to kill me," I burst out suddenly, engulfed my the overwhelming feeling to sob. "It was so scary Care! I had to kill him to escape, and I don't know when he'll wake up again."

Her eyes widened as she pulled me into a hug and let me explain everything to her. Afterwards, we found ourselves laying on the bed, gorging ourself with popcorn and chocolate. 

Then, the doorbell rang and I shot up, almost knocking Caroline off the bed in the process. "Can you go answer it?" I asked sleepily laying back down again. 

She nodded and zoomed to the door. A few seconds later I heard some incoherent conversation, but one part of a sentence did catch my ear. 

"You need to leave Elijah. She doesn't want you here," she had said sternly. 

I jumped off the bed and ran over to where he was standing at the doorway, unable to get in past the threshold. 

"Y/N! I beg of you, please let me in. It's me again, not that terrible monster that I can still feel lingering inside of me," he pleaded desperately. 

I nodded for Caroline to leave us alone, and walked over to him, careful to stay INSIDE the house so that he couldn't reach me. 

"I am utterly and terribly sorry," he began miserably. "I obviously wasn't myself and I should have never met up with you. I knew that I wasn't in a good place, yet I still couldn't resist. Please forgive me Y/N. I won't be able to live with myself if you don't."

I crossed my arms ignorantly. "I understand you weren't yourself, and I guess I should have pushed you to come. But I can't see you again until you've gotten better, you understand that right?" I said softly. 

He nodded, seemingly already expecting this. 

"Goodnight Y/N," he said politely, and whooshed away. 

Jeremy Gilbert: (Drunkenly hit you)

I stalked out of the house angrily and immediately went back to Tyler's house to go to bed. (Just pretend she's Tyler's sister)

The next morning I was feeling much better and was cooking some eggs in the luxurious kitchen when I heard Tyler open the door to someone. 

"Jer, I thought we were going to the Grill. Dude where are you going?" I heard Tyler question in confusion. 

"I need to talk to your sister okay?" I heard him say and then his footsteps got louder as he entered the kitchen. 

"Oh look, he's walking," I commented snarkily. "And not drunkenly. Looks like you finally pulled your butt off the couch."

"Okay, I deserved that," he admitted.

"You deserve a lot more than that you jerk! Why don't I slap you back 2 times so that we're even huh?" I pushed, turning off the stove and stalking towards him. 

He dropped his bag and stretched his arms out. 

"Okay, have at it," he said earnestly, and I huffed without humour. 

He then dropped his arms and picked up his bag. "I'm really sorry Y/N. I've decided to turn over a new leaf and try to detox myself from alcohol. I understand if you don't want to see me, but I was hoping that you would help me get better," he apologised profusely. 

I thought about it for a few seconds. "Okay," I agreed after a minute. 

"Yeah?" he asked in surprise. 

"Yeah. But if you ever hurt me again, I will KILL you in your sleep," I growled threateningly. 

He nodded meekly and trotted back off to Tyler. 

Kai Parker: (Siphoned off of you)

I have to admit, I was a little worried about Kai. 

I knew that taking him to that place was going to be hard, but I didn't know why he had reacted so aggressively, and probably because I didn't know the whole story. I also wondered if he got home okay, seeing as I had abandoned him at the site and taken the car. 

BUT HE DESERVED IT! I tried to remind myself. He literally almost siphoned the life out of me! Like I was a juice box or something!! 

But feeling guilty, I decided to swing by his place to see him and try and work things out between us. 

30 minutes later I was at his place, a dingy apartment that he had rented the second he had gotten out of that prison world. 

As if he could feel my presence, the door swung open before I even pressed my knuckles against it. Past it stood a disheveled Kai who almost smiled as he saw me. Then he seemed to remember that we were in a fight, and wiped the smile off of his face. 

"We need to talk," I said firmly and stepped in. 

He shut the door and sat down on his unmade bed. 

"Fine! I'll go first!" he said angrily, though not really. "Y/N, sweetheart. I'm apologising to you for trying to siphon you. I should have asked for your permission first. The trip had just taken a toll on me. I had some really bad memories in that place."

I smiled softly at his apology. "I'm sorry as well. I should have been more careful and understanding."

"Thank god we're good again, because I have wanted to cuddle with you ALL MORNING!" he cooed, pulling me down on the bed. 

Kol Mikaelson: (Said you weren't good enough)

I can't believe he had said that to me. 

I wasn't a good enough vampire?

I wasn't GOOD enough?

That bastard!

I was also annoyed with myself. I KNEW I should have never gone to feed with him! But the fact that he insulted me like that was just too much. 

UGH! And I had nowhere else to stay but the Mystic Falls Mikaelson Mansion. Oh well, at least there were other people inhabiting it was well. 

When I arrived at the Mansion - I had walked slowly because I wanted to get some air - I saw that Kol was sitting on the steps, seeming to be waiting for me. 

"Y/N," he greeted, standing up and walking to me. 

Scoffing, I walked past him, but not before he gripped my upper arm with his big hand, turning me around to face him. 

"Please listen!" he almost demanded, his grip on my arm loosening and letting go. 

I put my hands on my hips and waited indignantly. 

"I should have never said those things! I don't know what I was thinking Y/N! Everyone is different, and really, I should admire you for handling the situation like you do. And also, deep down, I want to have as much control as you do," he admitted quietly, looking down, ashamed. 

My features softened as I stepped forward and hugged him. "Oh Kol. You don't even know how mad you make me," I mumbled, my face pressed against his cold chest. 

"I love you darling," he muttered back. 

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