Imagine #6: Klaus/Stefan

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A/N: This is one of my longer imagines guys! Enjoy!

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A/N: This is one of my longer imagines guys! Enjoy!

You're Stefan's best friend, and you get turned into a hybrid by Klaus. 

Being a part of the Mystic falls supernatural gang, I knew everything that was going on. Honestly, in my opinion, being a werewolf is probably the worst supernatural to be. I'm only a little stronger than I was before, and I have to literally break my bones every month. 

That going with the fact that I actually killed someone, accident or not, and the facts that I had serious anger issues, but I'm getting those under control. 

Even though I would never admit it, I were jealous of the vampires. Yeah, yeah, I don't want to live forever, but hell, I would even become a hybrid. But the only way to be one of those, was to come into association with the psycho Klaus Mikaelson. 

I sighed and pulled my coat tighter around me. It was a chilly autumn day, and unfortunately, the days were getting short, the nights coming faster. 

Now, I don't want to admit I'm afraid of the dark, more like I'm afraid of what's lurking in it. 

Yeah yeah, I know, I'm a freaking werewolf. Why would I be afraid of that?

There was just something that unsettled me about it. 

So naturally, when I turned the corner on the narrower, darker, and more isolated street, I was very wary about my surroundings. So paranoid, that I jumped at every sound, so distracted by the darkness, that I didn't hear someone's footsteps coming closer behind me. 

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my upper arm, and looked down in shock to see a syringe sticking in my skin, the golden liquid being pushed in my arm. I screamed at the swift burning sensation, and the world turned fuzzy before my eyes. 

Before I knew it, I passed out, into my capturers awaiting arms.

∆ ∆ ∆

"Ah, finally awake are we?" I heard a lofty man's voice say, bringing me out of the darkness that I was in. 

I opened my eyes blearily, to see that I was leaning against a tree, in the woods, with 5 other people who looked just as bedraggled as I was. 

Then I looked up to see a man standing in front of me, his golden locks glinting in the pale sunlight. 

He smirked at my confusion. 

"You were out for a long time love. It almost worried me," he cooed meanly, reaching a hand down to touch my cheek. 

I smacked it away, growling at him. 

"Klaus. What do you want?" I snarled. 

He just laughed walking away from me, and stood in front of one of the other hostages, a woman with bright red hair, her green eyes open in terror. 

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