REQUESTED: Kai (Part 2)

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Here is part 2 to the previous imagine! 

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Here is part 2 to the previous imagine! 

Requested by: Anonimus6_5

When Kai Parker awoke, it was with a pounding headache, and in a dingy room. He peered around to see a locked door, with a small window at the top. 

He looked down to see chains attaching his wrists together and then being fastened to the wall. 

He attempted to do magic, but quickly realised that these chains were spelled to detain his magic. 

"Seriously?" he groaned. "STEPHOON! LET ME OUT!"

He then heard footsteps stomping down the stairs, and smirked triumphantly to himself. The door opened, and he expected to see a Stefan with his hero hair gleaming, but all he got was me. 

"Hello Kai," I greeted pleasantly, taking out a chair and sitting on the other end of the room. 

"Oh, you," he said with distaste, rubbing his forehead where I had impaled the poker in. "This hurt you know."

"Aww, I'm sorry," I said mockingly. "But I'm sure you've handled worse. Now, back to business. What are you doing in Mystic Falls?" I challenged in a clipped tone. 

"Really? They sent you to do the interrogating? Sorry sweetheart, but if you're supposed to scare me, you don't," he spat out snarkily, purposefully avoiding my gaze. 

I scoffed. "They don't know I'm down here, they're upstairs. And just for your information, I can be VERY intimidating when I want to. Don't forget who my father is, he taught me some special tricks."

Kai tugged the chains encircling his wrists and grunted with effort as he was unable to pull himself free. 

"You think you can get me out of these? They hurt," he stuck out his bottom lip in a pleading manner, but I just rolled my eyes. 

"Those faces won't work on me this time," I reminded him. "You're a sociopath Kai, you deserve to be down here, you probably deserve much worse."

"Wow, harsh," he muttered sarcastically, but it did nothing to cover up the flash of hurt in his eyes. 

I bit my lip in slight regret. I didn't want  to feel bad for him, I really didn't! But I knew there was more to him than this facade.

"Why don't you tell me about your family?" I asked softly, and his eyes snapped up to meet mine in surprise. 

"We're getting personal now are we? Okay, I'll answer one question if I get to ask you something," he negotiated. 

"Okay, I promise" I agreed unsurely. 

"Well, my father was a jerk. Used to beat me until I couldn't see. My coven treated me like crap, thought I was a weak link to their power, and isolated me. And I never knew my mother," he told me matter-of-factly. 

I did a double-take. Oh my god. He didn't even looked fazed, or sad about his childhood. 

"I..." my voice trailed off. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever," he said emotionlessly. "My turn to ask a question!"

I nodded and waited patiently, leaning back in my chair. 

"How's it like being outshined by your sister Hope?" he asked, and my eyes bulged. 

"Excuse me?" I choked out. 

"I did research on the Mikaelson family. A lot of mentions of Hope this, Hope that, but no Denisa," he explained.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "I'm not answering that," I said stubbornly. 

"Ah ah ah, you can't break your promise!" he reminded me childishly, and I sighed.

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm fine with living in her shadow. I've never really liked attention anyway," I admitted, rubbing my hands together. 

"Lies!" he sang, and I looked at him incredulously. 

"I'm trying to be honest with you!" I yelled. "You know what? This was stupid, I should just let you sit here and bore yourself to death!"

I got up angrily, and slammed the chair back in the corner. 

"No wait," he called feebly right before I was about to close the door. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that you aren't being truthful with yourself. It hurts to be left out, trust me, I would know."

I turned back around to see him sending me a sad look. 

"Come here," he muttered, and I did, until I was just close enough to reach. 

His charisma was seriously starting to get to his nerves. He had this magnetic pull, and this charm that made my knees go weak. 

Like seriously, what was up with that?!

"What?" I asked in exasperation. 

He leaned in closer and tucked a stray curl behind my ear. 

"There's something about you," he mumbled under his breath, his eyes flitting down to my lips, and then back at my eyes again. 

Butterflies swarmed in my stomach, as his thumb grazed my cheekbone. Then he seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in. 

Suddenly, he spun me around so that my back was pressed up against his chest. He flung his chained wrists over my head and jerked my neck back, the cold metal digging into the soft flesh of my throat. 

My head was bent back over his shoulder, my whole weight supported by his body as his breath fanned over my ear. 

"You're going to let me go," he whispered dangerously. "Or I'll kill you."

My heart was pounding, 90% of the fear, and a stupid 10% because of our proximity. 

"Okay," I choked out and quickly reached into my pocket to pull out a key. 

But at the same time, I pulled out a vervain syringe and kicked my leg back, landing in the bulls eye between his legs. 

He groaned and I took the chance to fling the chain choking my neck behind me, turned around and raised the shrine, ready to plunge it into his awaiting skin. 

But he had crazy fast reflexes, and righted himself, grabbing my wrist and twisting it in an angle that made me drop the syringe in pain. 

"Nice try," he growled. "But you're not getting me that easily. Now. Let. Me. Go."

I tried not to whimper at the sharp lances of pain shooting down my arm. I inserted the key into the lock of his chains, and turned.

The chains separated with a click, and fell promptly off his wrists. 

He smiled and let go of my wrist, cracking his knuckles. 

"Thank you Denisa. I won't forget your generosity," he leaned forward and brushed a small kiss on my cheek, before flitting away with a blur. 

I stood there in shock for the next few seconds, my hand flying up to touch the place in which he had kissed me. 

Then my stomach churned with anger, and I clenched my fists together. I had decided to stay in Mystic Falls for a couple more days.

I had a sociopath to catch. 

∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: Should I make a part 3?

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