Imagine #1: Damon

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You find out what he is

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You find out what he is

I was walking back home from a long day at school. Before I went to my house though, I decided to visit Damon.  We had been dating for a few months now, and said I love you quite early on. I was completely and irrevocably in love with him. 

As I walked up on his doorstep, the door was already slightly ajar. Frowning in confusion, I pushed it open and walked in. As soon as I stepped into the warm house, I could hear yelling in one of the many rooms the Salvatore's had. 

Quietly, I crept towards the sound of the voices, where I leaned against the wall to watch through the doorway. Now normally, I would never invade someone's privacy like this, but Damon had been very distant lately, and it seemed as if he was keeping secrets. He was always helping his friends and brother in problems that he just couldn't explain clearly to me. 

So I decided that I wanted to find out for myself. 

"You need to tell her brother!" I recognised as Stefan yelling. 

"She doesn't need to know yet," Damon growled pacing back and forth. 

"If you don't tell her, I will," Stefan threatened. 

I saw Damon stop in his tracks, and his back was turned to me, but he seemed to be baring his teeth? I don't really know. But then I saw something that almost made me gasp.

He seemed to zoom at inhuman speed at Stefan, crashing him outside of the window, which was already somehow shattered and open. My hand flew to my mouth as they flew out of the window together. 

I ran into the room, looking down to where they fell, but saw nothing. I then heard a swoosh behind me, and turned around so quickly I almost cracked my neck. 

Damon stood there, and his eyes were red, with black veins prickling beneath. 

Seeming to realise, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were normal

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Seeming to realise, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were normal. 

"What," I choked out. "Are you?" 

He gave me a pained expression as I backed away, my spine hitting the balcony outside. 

"Y/N, please. Don't look at me that way," he begged. 

I breathed in and out, trying to give the illusion that I was calm, when in reality I was looking for anything in proximity that I could use as a weapon. 

How could this man, who I had known for almost half a year, who I loved, who I felt safe with, be this whole other monst– thing, that I didn't know about. 

I managed to close my hands around one of the glass shards on the balcony, and wrapped my fingers around it, not even flinching as the jagged edges drew blood from my palm. However, Damon's head whipped up as he sniffed the air. 

Not wasting a second, I launched myself forward, with the glass in my hand. Damon moved away just in time, and I fell forwards, falling onto the glass which I had dropped on the floor. 

I cried out in pain as it penetrated into my stomach. Damon rushed over to me and I screamed as I tried to push him away. 

"Y/N! Let me help you! Drink my blood, it will heal you," he pleaded, but I couldn't hear anything he was saying. 

There was only white noise in my ears as I pushed myself up, applying pressure to the wound, and rushed out of the room. I pushed past Stefan who looked back at his brother in concern. 

"Y/N! Come back!" I heard him yell, but I ran out of the house without looking back. 

∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: Hellooooooo! Sorry that this was a negative one, but I wanted to make it as realistic as possible. In many of the other imagines I read, the reader was fine with it pretty quickly, but I wanted Y/N to be more scared at first. 

Let me know in the comments if you want a Part 2, where it ends on a more happy note! 


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