Imagine #16: Damon

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You accidentally ingest some plant that compels you to blurt whatever is on your mind

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You accidentally ingest some plant that compels you to blurt whatever is on your mind

"Wow, your mom sure does have a lot of herbs," I said in shock to Bonnie, ogling at the rows and rows of plants. 

"Yeah, but they have no use anymore. Now that she's a vampire, she's lost her connection to nature," Bonnie replied sadly, reaching down to focus on one herb in particular. 

We had gone to Bonnie's mom's house to have a nice girl's night, but then when we arrived, Bonnie had realised how much she didn't want to be there. So we had decided we would drive back. 

"Should we leave now?" I asked gently, but she shook her head. 

"I wanna have some fun first," she said, a small smile spreading across her face. "These herbs can do a lot of things, and I want to test some out."

"Okay," I said tentatively. "What does that one do?"

I pointed to the one she was concentrated on, and she stood up, a piece of it in her hand. 

"It can make your voice really high," she giggled, and popped it into her mouth, chewing and swallowing. 

I waited in excitement, to see if she was joking or not. 

"That should do it," Bonnie squeaked, and then recoiled at the sound of her high-pitched voice.

"Oh my god!" I said in between laughs. "You sound like a demented chipmunk!"

We both hysterically cackled, her's 5 octaves higher than mine, which cracked us up even more.

"Okay, I want to try one," I said boldly, and she led me to another plant. 

"Okay, I'm not sure, but I think this one is supposed to make you float," she guessed, and handed a piece to me. 

"You better be right," I warned playfully, and swallowed the bitter leaf. 

I closed my eyes and waited for the ground to fall away, but then after about 10 seconds, I opened one eye. 

"Why am I not floating?" I inquired in confusion. 

"I don't know," Bonnie told me, looking just as bewildered. "I was sure this was the right herb. Oh well, I think it was just a normal plant, my mom kept those here as well."

Wow, great, so I just ate a nasty leaf for fun," I chuckled. "Okay, let's go back now."

She nodded and we headed back to the car.

∆ ∆ ∆

We arrived back in Mystic falls after about 2 hours, and I gratefully stretched out my legs. 

"Thank god, your car is super uncomfortable," I blurted out, and then clapped my hands over my mouth. "Oh my gosh, I didn't mean to say that!"

"That's okay..." she looked at me weirdly. 

We walked to the Grill and got a table. Matt came over to us a few minutes later, and asked what we wanted to drink. 

"Should I get your favourite, the rhubarb juice?" Matt winked at me, and I wrinkled my nose in disgust. 

"Ew no, I only pretended to like that because you were so excited about it," I blabbed, and widened my eyes. 

"Wow, harsh Y/N," he muttered, and left the table. 

"What was that about?" Bonnie questioned.

"I have no idea! I didn't mean to say that!" I protested. 

"Oh my gosh," she came to a realisation.

 "What?" I pleaded. 

"Oh no," she groaned. 

"What Bonnie? I can't deal with your dramatics today!" I said in frustration. "Sorry!" I added. 

"I gave you a truth herb!" she explained, ignoring the not so subtle insult I threw at her. 

"WHAT?!" I yelled, and then quieted when I attracted unwanted attention. 

"You what?!" I whispered angrily. "How long does it last?"

"I think like 24 hours?" she predicted, and I sighed. 


"How are you fine ladies doing today?" Damon came up to us and asked smoothly. 

"Wow," I breathed looking at him, and then blushed. 

He eyed me suspiciously, but then just smirked. 

I think I just peed myself. 

Bonnie noticed my discomfort, and being the good friend she was, got up and grabbed my arm. 

"We need to go, bye!" she shot a forced smile at Damon and walked out of the Grill. 

"Thank you Bonnie!" I said gratefully, but then almost took it back when I saw Damon following us. 

"Hey, why are you two acting so weird?" he walked over to us. 

"She ingested a truth herb," Bonnie explained, at the same time that I said, "God you look hot!"

They both looked at me, and I swear, I wanted the ground to eat me up. 

"Oh my god!" I screeched covering my face with my hands. "Please forget I said that! I didn't mean it!"

"Oh I think you did," Damon replied cockily, his eyes lighting up teasingly. "Let's hear more about what you think of me."

Oh god no!!

I turned around and starting running down the street before he could ask me anything, but he whooshed in front of me. 

"Damon! You're lucky no one saw you!" I scolded, and grimaced when he pulled me in an alley. 

"Okay, so is it true you think I'm amazingly attractive?" he asked eagerly, and I glared at him, trying to keep my lips sealed. 

"I.... uh...... GAH YES! I THINK YOU LOOK LIKE A GOD AND I STARE AT YOU EVERY DAY!" the yell erupted out of my rebellious lips. 

Bonnie let out a thunderous laugh, and I realised she was listening to our conversation. She stopped immediately when I gave her a look that promised a painful death. 

"Damon stop, you're being mean now," she suggested, trying to lure him away, but he wasn't done with me yet. 

"What do you think about Donovan?" he asked smugly, and I squeezed my eyes closed, fearing the answer. 

"I think he's a little rat that somehow manages to avoid death. But he's nice, so that counts," I blurted out, and cringed at my words. 

"SEE! SEE!?" Damon screamed happily. "Someone agrees!"

"Y/N! Do you really feel like that?" Bonnie asked, and my head forced itself into a nod. 

"I am done with the questions!" I ordered firmly. "I am just going to be alone for the next 20 hours or so!"

I marched out of the alley and around the corner, but couldn't stop myself from saying, "And that leather jacket looks so hot on you!" 

I hope I somehow die before tomorrow comes. 

∆ ∆ ∆

A/N: This one was less romantic, it was more about the humour, so I hope you guys enjoyed!

Also, 11000+ READS!!!???? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! I am jumping up and down right now!

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