Play like you're the good guy part 2 (Niko/Ante)

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Play like you're the good guy 2

Ante doesn't know how he's not panicking again and again when he sees the blood that has deposited all over his house, both on his furniture and on him. Even though he has washed his hands a few times, the red spots are still encrusted under his fingernails, he can't imagine how much it took for Niko to come here. Ante still doesn't validate the fact that he didn't go to the hospital instead of flying to Milan, he fully understands that he's a source of comfort, but it can all get worse and he does absolutely not want it. He has put Niko down in his bed, while he's busy trying to clean everything up as best as possible, he knows he's going to have to buy back something to help him recover, but he can't see himself continuing to do the nurse until everything is better. Because he knows the scars on his skin will heal over time, but the scars on his heart? Ante will never force him to talk about it, but he refuses to let them haunt him. He doesn't know what to do, he's completely lost with this situation, he's never been faced with so much trouble...

He dreams of killing the one who did this to him, more than once, to make him suffer as much as he made the one he loves suffer. Ante ends up changing his clothes, his hands stiff from the number of times the soap has failed to wash away the cruelty of the city he hates the most. He sits lightly on the edge of the bed so as not to wake Niko up, it's one of the days he needs to sleep and recover the most, and it's out of question for him to ruin it. Everything is already ruined for Niko. Ante knows how important Munich was to him. He does his best to swallow the lump in his throat as he can only think back to the stars in his eyes when he told him about the city when they were both still in Frankfurt. Sublime lie to have made him believe that everything could be fine, and he can only regret it. Ante bites the inside of his mouth, putting his fingers on Niko's face, on the gauze he had to put on his swollen cheek, on his lips damaged by the number of times he had to bite them to try to hurt less, on his neck covered with black marks where a hand must have cut off his breath. Ante would pay dearly to be able to do the same to whoever did this.

He doesn't sleep much at night, he focuses on Niko's choppy breathing and the tremors running through his injured body, the few unhealthy memories assaulting him waking him up a few times. Ante can only let out a sigh when his brain finally deigns not to think only of revenge. He doesn't know how he's going to be able to deal with all of Niko's pain.

The End

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