Headshock (Lucas/Alcantara)

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Lucas can't contain his sadness. He comes back from injury, he plays, they lose. Of course that was predictable, and anyone could have announced it without fear, but for them, for the simple players they are, for the eagle they wear on their chest, Lucas can't accept it. They can't fight and give everything, by dint of sweat and blood, they can't run that long, give themselves to the maximum, for that... For an additional failure. For one more loss on the charts. To see only the smiles of the opponents, to see the tears of his friends. It's not possible. This is unacceptable. Unfair. Lucas bites the inside of his mouth, trying not to hit a mos of dirt at his feet. He would do anything to swap the numbers and give his adopted family this victory. How to live with this weight of shame and pain on his chest when he can only stand on the pitch watching the empty stands, the voices of people he doesn't know around him, the shining pearls of sadness of his friends around him. He can't get his strength back tonight. There's nothing he can fix to make things right.

Lucas would give a lot to give his friends good words so they can get back on their feet and forget everything, so they can get better and continue to fight passionately, without looking back on the past. He can feel Alcantara's hand resting on his shoulder. Lucas doesn't know if he wants to talk to him, they're both Spaniards, sure, but that's not enough to bond. Especially not with the bitter defeat in his throat. Especially not when he thinks about Hinti's fault and all the mess it caused, Hernandez trying to fight their captain. No, he's not so keen on talking to one of the causes of his team's loss tonight. Spain or not. Lucas looks away to go and pick up Daichi, if he has to rely on anyone during the evening, it won't be a Bayern player.

The defeat was violent. Finishing against the wall in one of the Allianz locker rooms is worse. He's already tired from the half hour he played, but that doesn't change over time. He wishes he could say he's confident, but he can't be in front of Thiago's hateful gaze. He is the one who lost for the love of God! He's the one who should blame him! There's no one around them, Lucas is on his own to face the other midfielder, and although he struggles, he can't shake his grip. He feels sick around him, as if exhaustion is tampering with his organs to make him understand that he needs to rest to get rid of the pain, but there's nothing he can do about it. The hot breath of the older man doesn't give him more confidence.

"It's a shame you have to play here, you're pretty cute, Torró." He's not used to hearing someone speak Spanish to him anymore, not with that kind of voice anyway, David and Gonça are so sweet to him

"You shouldn't stay so close to me, Alcantara." Lucas doesn't really know what to say, he's just trying to keep calm so as not to give him satisfaction.

"What if I want to be this close to you, Lucas...?" It's a sigh, intense and deep, containing everything he feared, Lucas can almost feel his lips on his skin, he doesn't know if it's unpleasant or delicate, he starts to be afraid of the other Spanish

"Not for today." Lucas bites his lower lip when he sees David put his hand on the midfielder's shoulder to dislodge him, he couldn't be more grateful...

"We'll see each other again, mi lindo." Thiago pats his cheek before leaving, David giving him nothing more than a glare, before turning back to see if he's okay.

"Did he hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine, I think..."

"Lucas, if he did something to you, be sure I would finish what Hinti started."


The End

"Text me back"

"U there?"

"Oh common babe answer"

"Hate u"

"Can't wait to see ur curls Lucas"

"Please stop." Lucas finally answers, before blocking him

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