Let beauty come out of ashes (Marco/Kießling)

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Let beauty come out of Ashes

Marco didn't think his life would take such a tragic turn, the day he turned professional. Injuries are a common occurrence for people like them, but his cancer? Unexpected, and a very large wound in the heart for him who would have preferred to remain at the maximum of his strength for as long as possible. Marco should have known sooner that shit was going to happen to him, but how could he have known that everything would fall on him so easily? With the snap of a finger, he finds himself down in the deep end, in the hospital, watching his team, his family, struggle against relegation. He didn't see his life like that, let alone his career. Coming back to Frankfurt didn't mean to go lower, but to fly higher... Marco didn't think that being in a hospital room would bother him that much, and yet it does, coupled with apprehension for his condition. He can just as easily die as he can survive depending on what the future wants of him.

And yet there is Stefan in front of him, the Leverkusen player doesn't seem to want to let go, his health seems to come before the captain's armband he's supposed to wear on his red jersey. Marco doesn't really blame him for wanting to stay by his bedside when they don't know each other that much, because deep down inside he's afraid. Afraid of being alone and dying like this. Fear of surviving without anyone congratulating him. He could call Alex, or Jan, or Pirmin, but he doesn't want to sound weaker than he already is right now, so the mere touch of Stefan's hand on his to give him strength works. Marco doesn't want all of this to stop suddenly, he wants to enjoy it while he can...

The End

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