We want to touch the starry sky (Luka/Niko)

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We want to touch the starry sky

Luka is... sad? Or pissed off. He doesn't know and he doesn't want to know anything. Niko, no, he won't talk about that game and remember the news, it hurts him a lot, too much. He hates what happened. He quickly takes his plane ticket to Munich, to go and comfort the one he loves. It hurts so damn bad, Luka can't imagine what it must be for Niko, it must be horrible. He doesn't take a lot of time to arrive in the older man's living room, the light isn't on despite the late hour. It really, really, really hurts to see him like that, sitting on his couch, his eyes closed, Luka doesn't know what he may be thinking right now, and he's not sure he can help him forget the news. Fuck. Jovic takes off his coat to take Niko in his arms, he rubs him as hard as he can, he really is broken and nothing can fix him for the moment.

"Everything will be alright." No, Luka is lying but he hopes it will get better later

"Luka, I... You..."

"You are beautiful Niko, I love you, we don't care about them, what's important is you."

"Luka, you are... There..." Luka feels his heart twist in his chest when he hears him cry, his sobs do not only tear apart his happiness, they overwhelm him and make him feel weak, too weak

"Yeah, I'll always be there Niko, I'll never leave you."

''Thank you...''

"I will be by your side during this ordeal, always."

The End

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