There's still a light that shines on me (Martin/David)

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There's still a light that shines on me

Martin has just returned from an international break with Austria, seeing some national teammates has done him good, but he never thought that he would miss Frankfurt so easily. In itself, it's not so much the city or the team that he misses, but his captain there. David Abraham. Martin is resting his luggage in his apartment, he can't wait to go back to training and see him again, he doesn't know if he should be ashamed, but he feels things for him. He will never dare to confess to him. He would rather suffer in silence, never say anything to him and continue to admire him from afar rather than reveal everything and collect problems. He spends the whole night wondering how he could live in Frankfurt after his captain retires. It seems impossible to him to imagine his life without him.

Martin comes back to training with immense excitement, he can't wait to look small compared to his captain. Hütter talks to him for a few minutes about the importance he must bring in defense during the Europa League, and Hinti knows very well that he is here to bring stability in midfield, and reassure if possible during corners. An apprehension deepens in his stomach when he can't see David in training with them, he tries to calm himself that he just has to be late or that Alfonso has to keep him busy, but despite all that, Martin can't calm down. He watches the time, Hütter's gaze, the tactical schemes. It doesn't make sense without David. Martin is fed up with not knowing where his teammate is, so he leaves to ask Timothy and Gonçalo where the other center-back is hiding. He truly takes it upon himself and his courage when he sees their amused and questioned looks, telling him that they don't know what they're talking about. Martin knows they are used to joking, but that doesn't stop him from panicking more. David still doesn't arrive. He tries again in doubt, but he only gets the same answer, Gonçalo even thinking that he's talking of David Alaba...

Martin gives up with them and decides to go see Makoto who must be the captain in this configuration. He's no more advanced and reassured when the Japanese doesn't know David Abraham either. Martin feels like he's crazy, but he wants to try again one last time to see if no one really remembers their capitano. Suddenly, Hinti finds himself going to see Marco, the other centre back, and as for the other three, no positive answers. As if David had suddenly disappeared. As if he never existed. Martin is on his ass. The only teammate he has a crush on has disappeared from the memory of his entire team.

He goes home with a weight on his stomach, all his happiness, all his haste has just disappeared. It's as if he had just lost his reason for living, as if someone around him had just died. He doesn't think he can live without David. Martin wants to bring him back but he doesn't know how to do it, he suspects that praying isn't going to be enough, he doesn't even know how to do it anyway. He spends the night asking himself a whole bunch of questions, forming hypotheses, each one more incoherent than the other. Martin feels haunted in nightmares, he can only remember David's voice, his beautiful face, the few curls that fell on his forehead when they played side by side. Martin must quickly find a way to bring him back, because he doesn't want to, can't, live without him.

The next day, it's tasteless, if not bitter, that he takes part in the training sessions, David still doesn't seem to have existed elsewhere than in his memory. He took a tour of the club museum to go back to the Pokal evening, Martin can't describe this feeling of emptiness in his heart when he didn't see him in any photo while the others were there. His favorite Argentinian no longer exists. Martin tries to clear his mind by strolling the streets of Frankfurt in the afternoon, his brain can only think about the search for ideas to bring David back, even if he doesn't believe in miracles. He only has memories of the defender, of his facial expressions, of all the times they have been close, of all the times he should have confessed everything to him... He is desperate. Hinti is afraid of forgetting everything if he doesn't remember. Who could think of David if he doesn't? Martin is afraid that all memory will disappear and that he will forget him like the others if he doesn't find him urgently.

Martin lifts his head from his dreams, from his gaze fixed on the feet of the people around him, when he thinks he sees David in front of him, turning into an opposite street. His blood only runs through his veins, he decides to follow him, it might not be him, but he can only keep hope as he follows the mysterious man covered with a cap, trying to remain as discreet as possible. After a while, Martin and the stranger find themselves in an alley, and he's in shock. It's really David under this cap when he dares to raise his worried gaze towards him. Martin takes awkward steps towards him, he wants to fully find him, hug him and never let him go again. David doesn't seem to recognize him, he backs up as he advances, until his back hits the wall. Martin takes this cap off him so he can run his hands through David's hair, he didn't think he could ever do it ... The Argentinian still doesn't seem to remember him, his body trembling slightly under the contact.

"David... I didn't... You were gone... Don't do that ever again! I need you in my life, I was so scared that I could never see you again, no one remembered you! I felt so lonely... Oh Lord David I love you so much please understand me I can't resist you you are perfect. I... I love you and going through those hours without you has been the most difficult experience of my life. I don't ever want to part with you again, you are everything to me...'' Martin knows that it's not right, that this David doesn't want it, but once he's finished his declaration of love, he tenderly places his hands on the other man's cheeks, his lips coming to reduce the gap between them, he presses on the tips of his feet to be at his height and to deposit a kiss on this mouth which he has wanted so much...

When Martin separates from him, the other David looks at him strangely, his cheeks are red, his ever so attractive lips are swollen and parted, he looks in shock. Martin doesn't want to let go of his love for him, or in any case, he wants to touch him one last time before letting him go again, before their path separates. They are no longer compatible, David has forgotten himself... Martin runs his hands over his neck, his cheeks, his hair, hoping that the real David Ángel Abraham will come back one day. The seconds seem like hours, and Martin pulls back, ready to go home and think about his future now without the one he loves, when David takes his hand and responds to his kiss, one of his hands settling on his cheek. Hinti can only melt under the gesture, his lips smelling those swollen Argentinian's. He has become himself again.

David separates from him, his cheeks still red, but his hands now on his cheeks as they look each other straight in the eyes, Martin knows there are tears beading at the corners of his eyes, that's too many emotions for him in a short time. David responds to his declaration of love, and Martin couldn't be more pleased to know that his reason for living wants to continue the adventure with him. But priorities fall back on him as he remembers that Alfonso must also be back now, and that he's going to need his father. David drags him to his apartment, all the surprise of the return of his vanished memory in apprehension about his son, whom they find in the bedroom.

Martin isn't sure if the team has regained their memory of their captain, so he will be trying out with some of his best friends at the club, but first he enjoys a moment of happiness as he does partying with the two Argentines, also sipping his first mate. It's with pleasure that he wakes up the next morning with David's face in front of his, his freckles emphasized by their proximity. He laughs silently when he realizes Alfonso has been sleeping between them. Martin definitely doesn't want to spend a single day without David. Never again.

The End

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