The world will know your name (Niko & Robby)

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The world will know your name

Robert had often had to be by his brother's side, that was normal, especially in difficult times. The first memory of its kind is right before the 1998 World Cup, he was too young to participate but Niko could have. He should have. But unfortunately his big brother was injured just before, Robby had been sad not to see Niko proudly wear a bronze medal... It was the evening of the quarter-finals against Germany that Niko had finally given up to his pain, letting his tears run down his cheeks silently, Robert thought he felt his heart break in his chest, he held him in his arms until his eyes were dry again, he didn't ask him to smile despite the victory, he didn't need his smile when he knew there was always that intense pride burning in Niko's rib cage. They had simply celebrated then, Robert had nevertheless made a point of keeping Niko close to him, the sadness was not treated in a match, even less with Niko. You always had to make sure he was fine, otherwise he would bury everything in him and gradually let his pain consume him.

It wasn't until 10 years later that Robert had to face Niko's plight again. They are in the quarter-finals of Euro 2008 against Turkey, and they have just lost on penalties... Niko is kneeling desperately on the lawn, his head tilted towards the grass while his hands are rubbing his scalp energetically, Rob just comforted the younger guys when he saw him like that. He had obviously already seen what the defeat on Niko was doing, but never to this point. He goes to take him gently in his arms, whispering to him that it is finished and that they can't do anything more, he is sorry of course, it was the last big competition for his brother... Niko has startles in his arm, it doesn't take him long to understand that his brother is crying, his sobs ripping his chest apart, Niko deserves so much better than that. He deserves all the cups in the world, all the love in the world, and yet he suffers all the time... Robert feels weak, he has never been able to help Niko, he has never been able to offer him a trophy, and he is sad. So to try to make part of their pain disappear, Robby holds him firmly for several minutes, he doesn't let go and does not intend to do it before Niko asks him.

It was only a few months later that Robert had to comfort Niko again. The only one surprised by the news of his retirement seems to be his brother himself. Robby doesn't ask him why, he knows very well that Niko is sad to leave despite all the defeats, Rob will also be when it'll be his turn, it approaches and he knows that it won't be in very long. But for the moment it is not him, it is Niko who is in pain, Niko who is trying to hide his feelings but Robert knows him, he doesn't intend to let him destroy himself without doing anything. Luka and Ivan went to see his brother earlier in the day to wish him a good time, Robby had seen that Niko hadn't shown everything he was going through, so here he is now clinging to his shoulders leaving roll a few tears, they say nothing, they just hold each other, they're hurt together.

5 years later, Robert had believed that this pain would never face them again now that they had retired, but he had forgotten that the pain could change its form: it had first hit his brother physically, then on a moral level, before attacking on his honor. Robert is not surprised that they lose in the group stage at the World Cup in Brazil, they were still in the renovation phase if he could call it like that. Robby watches Niko after the defeat against Mexico, it was foreseeable that his brother doesn't let anything appear, they both became wise with time, they let their emotions show less. It is only at the hotel that he can finally see the real Niko, his brother's sadness still haunting him desperately. Rob enters his brother's room to see him, he knows that Niko is not feeling well, so he is not surprised to find him sitting on his bed, an elbow resting on his leg so that his hand holds his face, tremors due to his crying passing through his body. Robert closes the door behind him before hastening to hold him against him, Niko says nothing, he has learned to analyze his silence with time, his brother is ashamed of himself and Robert still has no solution to the evils that gnaw at him. He still can't help his brother despite all the years that have passed...

3 years later and they lose again, against Dortmund in the final of Pokal. It may not be as bad as the other times, Niko doesn't seem as sad as before, he even smiles a few times, he wears his silver medal with pride and Robby too is proud, he knows that sooner or later it will be gold around his neck. But he can't help but hug him, Niko tells him he's fine this time, but Robert doesn't want to let go of him, he wants to make sure that no pain gets his way into the body of Niko, not while he was there to watch over him.

A year later, Niko is victorious, Robert is proud of him, he has finally won this Pokal and no one will be able to take it away this time, Niko can party with the players, take any of them on his back to laugh, finally try a beer shower, Rob is really happy when he sees him smile, laugh, celebrate and sing with Frankfurt. It is no longer pain he sees in Niko's eyes now but deep happiness, intense and singular joy, there is no longer an ounce of regret or despair, Robert simply sees the pride in his brother stand out. It's only his happy brother in front of him, and no one will take his smile away from him. His only priority now is to keep him like this so he never sees him sad again, otherwise he would be angry for the rest of his life.

The End

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