I just want you to miss me (so I won't bleed again) (Niko/Ante)

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I just want you to miss me (so I won't bleed again)

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

Ante loses self-control when standing so close to him. He's not trying to figure out what are the rules, the limits, it's just him, his energy, and Niko. He doesn't want to be the good obedient dog tonight, he doesn't want to be whispered in his ear what to do, how to do it, and why he has to do it. Tonight he takes control. Ante doesn't want to contain himself like he usually does, he doesn't want to be frustrated, not to show his jealousy. Tonight isn't kiss and cuddle, or mealtime tactics, it's him, his desires, and Niko with no leadership option. On the bed, without clothes. Without distraction.

Ante doesn't kiss him, hug him, play with his hair, or massage his shoulders tired from the press conference. Ante bites his neck, holds his arms above his head, pulls on his hair if he needs to call him to order, ignores his requests. Ante is the one leading the way and dominating, because tonight he's not willing to let Niko go to Bayern without seeing it coming. He hasn't said anything all day, all week, and there's no way he'll keep being the good kid he is in Niko's eyes. If he wants to be the disturbing child he always has been, then he will be. With Niko's legs spread around his hips, Ante licks the blood off his trainer's neck, the mark of his fangs imprinted deeply so everyone in the club can understand that he won't leave their coach to anyone else, Robert can yell at him as much as he wants, he's the one who fucks his big brother.

Ante is still keeping Niko's hands above his head, his fingers holding each of his wrists tightly so that he doesn't have the opportunity to hide his face, to hide his embarrassment, tonight he wants to see everything, doesn't want to let any moment pass under his nose. All the frustration he's ever accumulated is his engine tonight, he can last through the night if he wants to. He releases his hold for a few seconds to take the lube in the bedside table drawer, he could do without it, but he doesn't want to have to bring Niko to the nearest hospital because he accidentally or not caused too severe bleeding. He already tried to do it once, he doesn't have fond memories of Niko's tears when they were done, he also didn't like having to comfort him for weeks before he could finally get his confidence back, just because he had been too selfish. Ante has since learned, he isn't so young and knows how Niko works.

He can feel sweat trickling down his forehead to his cheeks as he tucks two fingers into Niko's hole, his short moan stopped as his chest rises, his fingers simulating the future action of his cock, hitting his prostate. He knows he probably gasped, but he also did it when he found out he was going to have to play under another coach the next year. A betrayal. His anger is like a storm, you can't hold it back, it will eventually strike one day. Ante adds a finger to make sure everything will be okay when he actually penetrates him. Niko isn't really trying to struggle, apart from his fists trying to dislodge the fingers still present on his wrist to prevent him from escaping, he doesn't try to move his hips to acclimate to the pain of the intrusion, he barely concentrates on his breaths, a few tears quickly beading at the corners of his eyes when he deigns to open them (when his fingers are doing what they weren't allowed to do before). This is the first time Ante has Niko all to himself, they don't have to hurry because Robert will eventually come, or have to cancel everything because Fredi calls him unexpectedly, or having to do everything silently in the hotel because Lukas is the type of guy to hang out in the hallways at night looking for beer. This time Ante doesn't have to listen to Niko, he can make his own rules for the rest of the evening.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

Niko's chest is like a stretched arc, when the fingers are replaced by his cock. Ante had seen him like this before, but he couldn't help thinking about it when he saw his back raised, his athletic years behind him keeping him in that position. His lips parted where only a weak squeal escapes. His hair wet with sweat blackening the grayish parts. His wrinkled forehead where the pleasure/pain limit is readable. His free fingers clinging to the sheet. Again and again, Niko may not want to show anything, everything is excruciatingly obvious. Ante kisses the bite mark as he sets a pace faster than usual, more personal, less intended to satisfy Niko. Today he isn't listening to his lips, whispering what to do to make him happy to relax without asking him what he wants too. Ante isn't the dog with a leash around his neck, he's so much more.

He comes out of Niko to turn him over, to be able to see his back, his muscles so tense and strong waiting for he doesn't know what. He's not here to punish him for the choice he made, he has always known that it's Niko's dream to go to Bayern, so he can't blame him for that, but like all other players, as with all other family members, it's a betrayal. What is the point of giving them victory or family speeches if they find themselves without a coach? Ante can't forgive that, he had confidence, he had promised to take them to the top of the table, he had promised to turn them into a team able to compete for the Meister title. Ante takes a deep breath to avoid overthinking it, he doesn't want to be the one to hurt Niko when he knows that many more will follow because he has his own temper different from the Bavarian city. He would like to slap himself, now isn't the time to think about it, they sleep together, they don't talk about work.

Ante finds his way back inside his hole, his hands resting on his hips as he pursues a slightly calmer pace than the previous one, his cock still hitting his prostate with precision (he can at least thank the direct commands of Niko concerning his desires, he knows everything about his body now). He can't help but gently caress his coach's muscular thighs, how many times has he dreamed of taking him like that in the middle of the stadium after one of his goals, after a victory... The world or the team won't know that Ante Rebić is sleeping with his coach, but they will know that Ante is sleeping with Niko to prove his love and loyalty to him, to give him more support than he can see. He spits into his palm to rub Niko's cock, to make him reach his climax, while he isn't far from orgasm himself. Ante loves Niko, and it's not going to change because of another club, he will always be there for him, even if it won't be in the same city anymore, even if he won't be able to hear his hoarse voice when he wakes up after a hectic night , although he will never be able to help him with his stress again, Ante will always be there no matter where.

The End

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