When comes the night (David/Martin)

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When comes the night

The problem with having to share a room is that when your partner goes to another club, you have to get used to a new roommate. Marco-F is gone, and Martin has arrived. David quickly understood that he was going to pick up the Austrian in his room, because with the departure of the Mexican, he ended up with an extra bed. So Hinti put his bags down next to him, and David was forced to lay his eyes on the younger one, he doesn't know if he regrets, but he finds it hard to turn away now. He doesn't fully understand what the other defender is saying to him half of the time, but he listens, because while it's not important all the time, for him it's interesting. David listens to Martin, even when he wants to sleep and Hinti keeps wanting to tell him about the game or the one to come. The stores can be turned off as nothing stops the Austrian's tongue. He doesn't really want to complain about it either, he likes Martin's voice.

David spends one more night with Hinti in the bed next to his, they talk, though he's still just as unsure of what to understand and say. Martin's voice bordering on Adult and Adolescent has a calming effect on him, even if he doesn't want to admit it, at the same time, how could he tell him that he likes to listen to him before sleeping, and that when he sleeps without him, sleep is more difficult to find? David bites his lips when Hinti turns off his light, a sign that he's starting to fall asleep, so he's going to stop talking. He would like this kind of moment to never end, even if it's sometimes too long. Today was too short. But he doesn't want to prevent the Austrian from sleeping so he doesn't say anything and moves in his bed so as not to think of the one he secretly loves sleeping next to him, only a few meters away. David knows he's got himself into a hell of a mess, but he's going to blame Marco for leaving without thinking about his stupid romantic heart...

The End

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