Chapter Thirty Three Part One

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After a diverse, delicious dinner, which had been served alfresco on the veranda, the afternoon wiled away, spent in play and conversation.

The boys took their turns seeing the pups, and afterwards, the King played 'pirates' with them.

The King was taken over by laughter, when Jonah yelled at the 'wiwy wivered rapscawons' to wawk the pwank, and Elizabeth complied.

The King, had been the King, Jonah and Timothy had been his men.

Elizabeth and the cabin boys, had been the pirates.

The King had enjoyed himself immensely with the young lads. They were all good boys, and they were very fortunate to be so well cared for.

All had filled the carriages for the ride back to town.

Marcus choose to ride with Katherine and Pete's group, Elizabeth returned with the King.

Betsy rode the mount Marcus had ridden that morning, the King rode his own mount.

Leaving the carriages behind, Elizabeth quickly reacquainted herself with a saddle.

"Do you also share Violet's goal to help children, Elizabeth?" The King looked straight ahead, as the horses loped evenly beneath them.

"I do, Sire." Betsy knew when they saved the young souls from Redbeard, it would be an honor to be part of helping children to heal, and to have hope.

Elizabeth also wanted a home to raise she and Violet's children, whenever they should be so blessed to have them.

She glanced at the King, he glanced at her, before their eyes turned forward once again.

"I love Violet, who he is, and what he fights for, and oh, just every little thing about him. I love that he can not sing well, that he does kiss well," She shot the King a grin, "And I love the way I feel when I am with him."

Elizabeth continued smiling, thinking upon that feeling, the little shoots of lighting that shot straight through her.

Most times, only a mere look from her sultry pirate, and she wanted to melt into his arms.

The King could hear it in her voice, she meant every word she said.

He was glad.

He was glad for her, for the obnoxious pirate, and also, for his friend, Marcus.

Marcus would keep them close if he could, and that was good enough for the King.

"Have you ever been in love?" Elizabeth asked the man riding beside her.

He darted his eyes at her quickly. Her big, innocent, brown eyes, full of the emotion she felt for her husband, honestly questioning him.

One did not just ask him if he had ever loved.

It was just not done.

By anyone.


The King was a bit at a loss for a moment. Did he want to talk about that?

Even as he wanted Elizabeth's honesty, she would expect his.

Though the subject was still painful for him to think about.

"I have. However, it was very long ago, and I have not since." He thought that should suffice.

"You need a wife." Elizabeth stated, nodding her head.

He barked out a laugh, "Why do you think that?"

"I do not think, I know, you need a wife." Elizabeth slanted a glance at him, "To keep you out of trouble, and to give you children."

Well, there was that.

He could use an heir, he supposed.

"I do not know where to find a woman to take to wife." He admitted a bit sheepishly, "I have avoided a political marriage all this time, and would not know where to begin seeking a bride."

"Try seeking her through prayer." Elizabeth imparted wisely. "'Tis what Brutus is doing. He thinks Margaret is the one." Betsy became quite animated as she told of Brutus, "He started praying, and he asked me to also, then he dreamed about her, although she was a penguin." Elizabeth's brow furrowed, as the King barked with laughter once again.

"She had mentioned committing herself to a nunnery, to Brutus, in a previous conversation, and so Brutus dreamed he was kissing a penguin."

The King found this quite amusing.

He wished Brutus the best of luck, with all of his heart.

He chuckled as they rode along, now better understanding Brutus' possessive nature around the young maid.

A penguin...... Imagine that.

Chuckling some more, the King allowed his men that waited upon the road to fill in around them, as they made their way through town quickly, to the shelter of the castle.


Violet rode into town and went straight to the King's residence.

Leaving his mount on the drive to be stabled, Violet spoke to the man at the door, "I am hoping my wife is here."

When the man simply stared at him, Vi tried again, "The King had my wife and I ensconced in a suite when I departed for the duke's?" Violet hoped to refresh the man's memory, as he had seen him once before.

"Ah, Mister Petals, your wife occupies the same rooms, let me......." The man stood in place, his mouth hanging upon his next intended word, as Violet vaulted past him, making his way to the staircase, taking the steps two at a time.

Vi stalked down the hallway and opened the door to the room they had stayed in before. Closing the door behind himself, Violet looked around but did not see her.

He moved to the adjoining sitting room of the suite, but she was not to be found there either.

He turned and stood in place, feeling as a dolt. Mayhap the man had meant that she still used the rooms, but Vi, in his haste, had not waited for the man's full answer. Elizabeth could be anywhere in the castle.

Violet chaffed at his impatience, and made to leave, before stopping in his tracks, grinning widely.

She had begun humming in the tub. He heard a splash and went to lock the bedroom door.

Stripping his shirt from his back as he made his way to the bathing chamber, Vi pulled off his boots and breeches, socks and skivvies, entering the bathing room fully nude.

Betsy had submerged her head under the water to rinse, when Violet began stepping into the large tub with her.

She came up breathing water, and scrambling to vacate the tub, until she saw his grinning face in front of her.

Betsy gasped in surprise and pleasure, "You are back!" She threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly.

"I could not have asked for a better return, than to find my wife naked and glad to see me." He boasted.

She chuckled sultrily, rubbing against him, "It seems you are glad to see me, also."

"Of that, there is no doubt." Violet took her mouth hungrily with his. He kept her in the tub until the water chilled, hastening them to their bed for warmth and comfort.


Yea! Violet's back!

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