Thirty Four Part One

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Marcus sat alone topside, at dusk, the stars barely beginning to appear in the sky. He waited, seated comfortably upon the helm deck steps.

He awaited his love, Katherine, as she readied herself for the evening ahead.

Earlier this day, before leaving Marcus' estate, the King had issued the two of them an invitation to supper, which they both had gladly accepted.

After being teased and prodded by the King that afternoon, Katherine had finally began relaxing in the King's presence.

Marcus had sat by, trying to hide his smile, as the King had almost repeated Violet word for word.

The King teasing Katy about letting Marcus make an honest woman out of her.

After copious blushing, shooting furtive glances Marcus' way; which he adroitly avoided; she realized the King was a joker, very much like her son.

It helped her to relax a little, even enough to tease the Monarch back a bit, inquiring as to when he planned on joining the majority, finding someone of his own to wed.

The King had chuckled low in his chest, "Mayhap, when I find a woman as worthy as you, Katherine Petals." He had teased, his dark eyes shining at her in appreciation.

She had then felt an affection for him immediately, taking his words as approval of her, the rest of her afternoon passing very pleasantly.

Marcus had even managed to find a moment to leave them alone, slipping up to his bedchamber to procure his treasure.

'Twas the ring he had bought for her almost three decades ago.

Marcus' intentions upon it's purchase finally, blessedly, coming to fruition.

Jude had sent a missive to the ship earlier, containing news of Gwendolyn's demise, breaking Marcus from the chains that had bound him.

He was free to marry his Katy girl now, and nothing would be stopping him this time.

His elbows resting upon his knees, he studied the fine workmanship of the fragile piece of jewelry. No plain band had he chosen for Katy all those years ago, but a delicate, iris flower that had reminded him of her the moment he had seen it.

Put away safely, all those many years ago, he had taken it out occasionally to wish and dream, wanting more than anything to be with the woman it was meant for.

Today had been the first time he had held the ring; since putting it away so long ago; that it had brought joy, instead of sadness, hope, instead of regret.

Marcus raised his eyes to the sky, "Thank You." He whispered, as a lone tear fell from the corner of his eye.

He squeezed his eyes shut, as gratitude overwhelmed him, taking deep, calming breaths, so as not to give over to the emotion fully and lose his composure.

Katherine chose that moment to come topside, searching around until she found him sitting there, looking upon her with such love in his eyes it nearly broke her heart.

He rose as she approached, tucking the ring into his waist pocket, his other hand he held out to her, as his eyes traveled her up and down, taking her in.

Katherine had donned the best of her Sunday dresses, this one a light shade of voilet, trimmed with a darker shade of the same.

Her dark, golden tresses, she had piled atop her head, a few strands hanging down loosely, making her appear a score younger than her true age.

Her violet eyes sparkled with love and amusement, as she took his hand, and Marcus took in her youthful, slim form.

"I would swear you have not aged a day since I first met you, Katherine." Marcus finally said, as his still moist eyes met hers.

She saw something different in his eyes as he looked upon her.

She narrowed her eyes at him, as she turned her head to look askance at him in curiosity, "You are up to something, Marcus Mederios, and I would like to know what it is."

She continued looking at him shrewdly, "Even as your flattery is greatly appreciated, I do not care to feel as though I am in the dark about something."

Marcus retained possession of her hand, as he smiled at her timidly, and ducked his head a little shyly.

Marcus had dreamed of this moment for what seemed forever. The moment when he could drop to one knee, and beg Katy to become his wife.

The poignancy of this moment in time was not wasted on Marcus, as he lowered to that knee.

Katherine sucked in a sharp breath.

She suddenly felt lightheaded and a bit woozy, as her world spun, and she realized just what he was about. "Marcus...." She breathed, as she brought her free hand to her heart, swaying on weak knees.

Marcus held her steady, his eyes twinkling up into hers, as he gave her a scant moment to catch her breath.

Holding her hand in both of his, before reaching into his pocket, he retrieved the ring he had procured in his youth.

The months he had carried it upon his person; from it's purchase, until his father's deathbed request; came flooding back into his mind as though 'twas yesterday.

His hopes, and the dreams of his youth swept over him, until he felt he were that young man once again, his heart full to running over with love for her now, just as he had felt then.

"Katy girl," He began, as the moisture filled his eyes, threatening to spill over.

"Do not dare cry, Marcus!" Katherine pleaded, "You will have me blubbering as a fool and..."

"Hush now, Katy girl, let me do this right." Marcus laughed through his tears.

Katy bent over before he could say another word.

Taking his face in her hands, she pulled him up, and immediately began pressing kisses to his cheeks and forehead, as she stated, "Yes, yes, yes, and yes!" Laughing and crying at the same time.

Marcus accepted her kisses, and her answer, with a huge, silly grin upon his face.

When she finally stopped to smile into his eyes, he chuckled and drew her to him, rocking her from side to side.

"You will become my wife, I gather..." He felt as he had not in many years.

Marcus felt young, joyous and hopeful.

Katherine held him tightly, feeling as she never had the privilege to feel before. "Oh yes, Marcus, indeed!" She whispered fervently.

She would soon, for the first time in her life, be a beloved, wedded wife.

And praise her God above, she would not only be a wife, but she would be Marcus' beloved wife.

She knew her faith had wavered through the years that this would ever come to pass. She could even admit to herself there had been times when she had resigned herself to the fact that it would never be.

Yet it was happening, and it was going to be.

Katy began thanking God abundantly for this wonderful gift, as she held this dear man who had claimed the love of her youth.

Marcus drew back slightly, claiming her lips, kissing her softly and meaningfully, coaxing her response fully, before just holding her tightly, swaying once more.

He stepped back slightly, and held the ring between his fingers offering it for her perusal.

"Oh Marcus, 'tis lovely!" She exclaimed with pleasure.

Her heart soaring and taking flight, Katherine thought of their bright future ahead of them, that now only awaited the vows to be spoken.


I am blessed to be with the daughter, as some of you know, visiting her and the grandson. I snuck this in at nap time, lol, and will try for more ASAP, I promise! Love and blessings my faithful readers until next time :)

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