Chapter Six Part One

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Violet and Betsy walked the path through the lush growth of the jungle. He knew at some point the path would lead to water. The problem being, they had to cart it back out once they found it, so he hoped it was not too far until they reached it. He noted the path was wider than most, making him wonder what kind of animals had created it. He had a pistol tucked in his waistband, and he had a machete that hung from his hip. The blade would make a formidable weapon, yet, knowing what exactly was out there beating the bush would be helpful.

Betsy held Violet's hand as he lead her up the jungle path. 'Twas but a short walk, just beyond where Pete had found his tree, when they reached a running stream.

"This must empty out into the ocean eventually. If we could find where it does, it may be easier to fill the casks from there." Violet squinted the way the stream flowed, trying to see if the path ran along it. The vegetation was thick, and the stream twisted, rounding a bend which further obstructed his view.

They started following the stream, Violet wanted to see if it wound back to the beach, and so far, the narrow trail had taken up beside it.

They followed the path, then rounded the bend the stream had cut through the jungle, eventually coming upon a small clearing. Violet stopped, he held up the sack he carried that contained their meal, as he looked to Betsy, "Shall we?"

She smiled and nodded. They had not come too far, yet, already the boots she wore were rubbing a blister on the back of her foot. The boots were a titch loose, and they slipped against her heel with almost every step she took.

Violet picked a spot next to the flowing stream, where a grass cushioned area looked inviting. Betsy sat and removed her boots, she sucked in a breath between her teeth as she lowered her feet into the water.

Violet sat next to her, his long legs stretched out in front of him, crossing his ankles. Upon hearing her response to the pain of the blister, he set the food to the side and leaned forward, pulling her foot up a little so he could see the damage wrought on her poor heel.

"Kitten, why did you not say you were in pain? I would not have made you walk so quickly had I known."

Betsy winced as he allowed her foot to slide back into the water. "I did not realize I was wearing a hole in my foot until we stopped, Violet. The water helps take the sting away, I am sure 'twill be fine in a bit."

Violet leaned over and kissed her temple, "Still, 'tis sorry I am, we will have to be careful going back, we would not want to make it worse." Knowing she hungered, Violet picked up and untied the napkin, spreading it out between them on the grassy bank.

Betsy leaned over forward, rinsing her hands in the stream, she then shook them as dry as she could, before reaching over and picking up the salted pork. She ripped it into several pieces which she placed back onto the cloth, then she broke the cheese up into chunks.

They both sat and chewed their victuals for a few moments, in silence, until Violet spoke, "You told me how you came to be a maid, but I would know where a maid learns to shoot like that." Looking to his side at her, curiosity burned in his eyes.

"I really could not say, Violet." She spoke after swallowing, shrugging her shoulders. "I only learned I had the skill a few days past, when my lady thought it a good idea for me to learn. I had never shot anything before that. Arianna thought it best that we knew how, in case we needed to defend ourselves. From pirates mostly, I do believe." She grinned at him and the irony of her statement.

He laughed at her, he was very glad she had not been armed on the beach that early morning when he had tried to take their camp. "Truly, you just found that you could hit anything you wanted to?" Violet shook his head in disbelief. " 'Tis amazing, I have never heard the like before. Most who have the talent have practiced for years to have the accuracy you display...............So Harp wants lessons, hmmm?" He saw her looking down to her lap as she shredded a piece of pork between her fingers.

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