Thirty Five Part Three

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In front of the mirror, in her lace edged chemise and stockings, Katherine stood at the vanity in the dressing room of her suite. One hand held her steady, as she leaned upon the polished top. The other hand, she used to wipe a bit of over applied color from her lips.

Katherine had spent most of her day leisurely. Other than her final fitting this morning, she had had nothing to worry about, and even less to do.

She had bathed earlier, soaking in the enormous, steamy, aromatic tub, for nigh on an hour, until she had pruned. She had been coifed. Her hair now swirled and curled elegantly atop her head. One simple, long, blonde curl was left to twirl it's way down her shoulder, to then lie across her breast, ending at mid waist.

Katherine had lightly dusted with scented powder, and lavender wafted in the air surrounding her.

Katy scrutinized her reflection critically in the mirror, as she noted the fine lines etched around her eyes.

She smiled at her own reflection. Noting the crow's feet only became worse, deepening, as she grimaced.

Katy closed her eyes, breathing in the calming fragrance of the lavender, allowing the scent to take her worries from her.

Her appearance was, what it was.

Marcus knew well enough that she was not the eighteen year old woman he had fallen in love with. She was no longer the young girl he had spoken vows with in that quiet churchyard long ago.

Well, actually, she was the same woman, she was just not eighteen years old any longer.

She and Marcus had both aged considerably.

Yet, she found Marcus even more handsome now than she remembered him to have been then.

He had aged extremely well, he had only a light smattering of grey at his temples, which lent him a distinguished, mature, incredibly handsome look. The fine lines around his own eyes only added to his character, and therefore, were beloved to her.

Marcus kept fit and had a very attractive form. Muscular, yet, not bulky, he was strong, svelte, and incredibly attractive to Katherine.

She thought of the eve ahead of her, when she would see his body again for the first time in forever. She blushed slightly, her light dusting of rouge seeming a bit heavy handed in it's application of a sudden.

The maid who had been fussing over and assisting Katherine with her toilette all day, came rushing into the dressing room, a cream colored, satin robe in hand.

"The King approaches, my lady." The helpful maid tossed the robe around Katherine's shoulders as she slipped her arms into the satiny creation, securing the belt in front.

Whirling to enter the sitting room, Katherine pulled the single, curled strand of hair from beneath the robe, lest it be crushed.

Katherine felt her heart beat faster as she awaited the King's presence. She was curious as to what it was he wanted. Had he decided she was not worthy to wed Marcus? Surely he would not change his mind now. She knew Marcus was a titled peer and she was not nearly qualified to be his baroness. Other than being the mother of Marcus's illegitimate son, she had no right to marry him.

Katherine calmed herself and realized she had found something to worry about after all and she needed to stop. The King had insisted they wed today and Marcus said the man was as good as his word.

Katherine took a deep breath and let it out slowly, calming herself by slow degrees.

A light rap sounded upon the door, as the maid looked to Katherine assuring her readiness.

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