Thirty Eight

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The Duke of Marlborough smiled fondly, gazing at the raven, silky tresses flowing backwards from his wife's head. She sat across from him in their carriage, her head and shoulders residing far out the window.

Kathleen looked out behind them to see if she could recognize the lay of the land. She reached back to gather her hair up in one hand to keep it from whipping about her face, as her other hand clutched tightly to the sill.

William soaked up her presence, replete with overwhelming contentment and joy. For William to be able to look upon his wife with his own eyes, to have her truly in front of him; not a wish, not a haunting, nor a dream; it was as if every prayer he had ever uttered had been answered. William knew he had been given a precious gift when his duchess had been returned to him. A gift that he would always be most eternally grateful for. One that he would never, ever take for granted.

Kathleen's emerald eyes still sparkled with youth, her skin bore a smooth, healthy glow that belied her years. Her form was still trim, and to William, alluringly shapely. She was still his beautiful, precious Kat, even after all the time they had been kept apart.

William smiled wide, reaching out his hand to place it firmly around her hip, as Kathleen teetered in the coach's window. "Careful, my love," William admonished, "I would not have you lost to me again."

Kathleen turned her head to look over her shoulder, smiling brightly at him, "I am only excited, William. Hold onto me if you are truly worried I shall topple out."

William took her by the arm, pulling her gently out of the window to sit upon his lap, "I shall hold onto you, all right." He wrapped his arms around her middle, as she laughed in his face at his fear. Throwing her arms around William's neck, Kathleen kissed him upon his smiling cheek, then drew back to look lovingly into his eyes. The Duke waited upon her words, anticipating a declaration of her love for him, his eyes warming as he spread his hands to encompass her waist.

"How much longer, William?" Kathleen began frowning at the delay the long carriage ride was costing them.

The Duke chuckled at his feisty duchess. No, 'twas not a declaration of love, but a declaration of her impatience. William however, knew his wife well enough, to know that she did not endure inactivity well. "Another hour at most, Minx. Now sit still and let me hold you." William continued chuckling, knowing she would only last a minute at best. True to his thoughts, she relaxed against him for less than a moment, before he heard her heave a giant sigh, then she reached out towards the window once more. William's only thought, as he held onto her thigh firmly, was that he had better have the driver check to make sure the door locking mechanism was sound, and to be sure to have it's soundness assured often.


The King turned to Damien, "Is that not just the damnedest thing?" He shook his royal head at the structure before him.

"I have not ever seen the like before." Damien also, sat in awe of the large vessel in the yard.

The structure gave the appearance of being run aground. The stern sat upon pilings, hovering far out over the lake. It was quite a view when one came riding up the lane from the town of Shelly. Painted with golden trim that shone in the sunlight, it was a bold proclamation that this estate was different then any other.

A plank had been fashioned off the end of the stern for jumping and diving. The crew had tested the plank more than a few times, relieving the heat of their labors. They had used the excuse they must be sure the children would not hit the bottom of the lakebed upon their descent. A slide had been installed off to one side of the stern, it would deposit children straight into the shallows, where even the smallest tots would find their footing quickly and easily, upon landing at the bottom.

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