Chapter Six Part Two

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The Widow was a bulky, two masted craft. It sailed under duress, needing constant repair, due to it's age. The wood was rotting out from under their feet in a daily battle against the elements.

Captain Redbeard handed the wheel over to his quartermaster. Descending to the main deck, he walked carefully to the rail, paying close attention to where he stepped. He planted his feet firmly, on a stretch of solid wood, as he drew out his scope. He had decided to veer from his course when he noticed the ship anchored in the bay. He was sailing right past it, so he decided to investigate a bit, as it looked like easy pickings.

As they approached and drew closer, he could see 'twas flying the English flag, yet he recognized the ship as the Saucy Wench.

As luck would have it, Redbeard had need of a man on that ship. However, what was Petals doing there in the first place? He lowered his scope and made his way aft to prepare to quit his ship.

There was only one way to discover what the Gentleman Pirate was up to. And that, is exactly what Redbeard intended to do.


Brutus and Michaels played out the anchor lines, allowing the ship to swing broadside, against the point of the cove. The guns now faced the oncoming ship in a show of strength and a willingness to defend itself.

Brutus watched as the Grieving Widow came closer. She dropped her sails and glided into the bay, as the oars came out to drag, slowing the ship's approach.

The Widows anchor was thrown out, dragging until it caught, leaving the two ships with enough space between them, you could fit two more.

After his men quickly lowered a a gig, Redbeard descended the ladder, along with three crewmen. One of whom held a very young boy by the arm as he climbed into the gig with them. The four men rowed over to the Wench and Redbeard hailed Brutus and Michaels.

"Ahoy Brutus, and where is your Captain?" Redbeard called out to the man, as they approached.

"Gone ashore to find the freshwater, we were running a bit low." Brutus called down to him, seeing the small boy huddled in the bottom of the craft.

"Ah, I see," Redbeard answered nonchalantly. "Makin' a pot o' stew on yonder shore are ye?" He chuckled at his own humor as he had wondered why they had a big pot on the beach.

"T'was such a fine spot, we thought to do some laundry as well." Brutus was familiar with Redbeard's constant questions, T'was his way, he had always been the curious sort.

"Ahoy, Michaels, ye are just t' man I be lookin' for, 'twas to Nassau for repairs we were, as luck be wi' me, ye could save me some time an look to the mast step I been worrin' o'er." Redbeard squinted up at the two men, as Brutus and Michaels exchanged glances.

It would not be below Redbeard's moral code to hold Michaels hostage in return for some of their cargo. This caused the men to be leery.

"I would be happy to oblige if Vi has not a problem with that. We were about taking care of our own while we sit at anchor but I would not mind taking a look." Michaels called down to him.

"Ah, I see. I be going to ask Petals in that case." Redbeard turned to his men, "To shore." He picked up his oar and the men struck out for the beach, as Brutus and Michaels exchanged worried glances.

They had not meant for the man to go looking for their Captain. At least they had been able to warn Violet, and Sam and Pete were on the beach. Armed with machetes, pistols.... and Harpy.

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