Thirty Five Part One

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It was decided, then. Marcus and Katherine would be wed at dusk the following day in the castle's opulent sanctuary.

Katherine could not come up with any worthy reason why not to wed so soon. The King insisted it could be done, and because of that, she resigned herself to the fact that it was going to happen, whether she felt ready yet or not.

Marcus teased her, knowing she was somewhat perplexed at the situation, "This will give you the entire day long to ready yourself and fret unnecessarily over the suddenness of it all."

Katherine gave him an evil eye, scrunching up her face playfully as she glared at him, "You are enjoying this, Marcus Mederios!"

"Not nearly as much as I shall be enjoying myself tomorrow eve." Marcus raised his brows at her, as her eyes grew wide and she smacked him upon the arm lightly. "You hush," She said under her breath, "The others will hear you!"

Marcus had slowed, the couple lagged behind the others, as they all made their way to a dining room for a small, intimate supper.

After dining, when the men usually retired to their brandy and cigars, Elizabeth and Katherine were asked to join them in the card room.

The conversation had been quite lively, all were enjoying themselves and none wished to be separated from the others quite yet.

Violet and Brutus regaled the rest with pirating stories, along with some of their more exciting adventures upon the high seas, the King enjoying the tales immensely. He found himself rooked into a game of noddy with Elizabeth, knowing from previous play, she would do her very best to trounce him.

After a while, however, Katherine was led off to her very own suite of rooms for the night.

She was taken first to the suite's sitting room, where a handful of the King's royal servants awaited.

Katherine was asked which blooms she desired for the wedding by the royal florist, she conferred with the pastry chef on the subject of cake, as one by one her desires were noted, suggestions were made, until only one remained.

Katherine was then measured by the King's seamstress. She was shown style plates, as the woman described the style of gown Katherine should wear.

Katherine trusted the experienced woman when told what style would accentuate her figure, and how it would modestly convey elegance.

That sounded good to Katherine, and the good Lord knew, she would not have time to make her own finery.

Katherine knew leather, and how to turn it into beautiful, useful items. She did not know current fashion, and she could only hope to accomplish a third of what the King's woman had spoken of in the time given.

The royal seamstresses would work late into the night, any alterations being required would be seen to in the morn.

The King was insisting upon tradition, Katherine would not see her betrothed again until they wed.

Katherine could find nothing amiss once she was finally alone. She could think of nothing that had been forgotten, and all seemed to be in very capable hands.

Katherine looked around the rooms she had been given, they alone were the size of her entire cozy cottage at home.

Which, now that she thought about it, would no longer be her home.

She had found the grounds of Marcus's estate quite lovely, and as long as Violet and Elizabeth were near, she could give up her cottage on the shore.

Hoping that Violet would commit to building there, Katherine prepared for bed, putting out the many lamps around the rooms, she then settled into the extremely comfortable, large bed.

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